1. Twin Peaks Theme 2. Laura Palmer's Theme 3. Audrey's Dance 4. The Nightingale - Julee Cruise 5. Freshly Squeezed 6. The Bookhouse Boys 7. Into The Night - Julee Cruise 8. Night Life In Twin Peaks 9. Dance Of The Dream Man 10. Love Theme from Twin Peaks 11. Falling - Julee Cruise
01. Lazarus [6:27] 02. Death by horses [4:55] 03. New war [5:24] 04. Devil's flower [5:18] 05. Thin the herd [4:06] 06. Norpo [5:40] 07. Black shake [7:29] 08. Queen of the world [4:11] 09. Silent tongue [12:23] 10. Black lung [4:45]
Though often counted among the bands associated with the so-called underground stoner rock scene, the U.S. CHRISTMAS influences span much further than that that scene’s foundations in 70’s hard rock or 80’s heavy metal, delving into psychedelia, space rock, experimental and beyond. Fusing their influences, USC developed a sludgy, feedback loud and heavy rock sound that helped them take up a very specific place among so-called modern avant-underground movement.
Salt The Wound is the third album in the band’s discography and the first officially pressed release. It is comprised of some of the selected, rerecorded, and rearranged songs from their first two albums, Prayer Meeting and Bad Heart Bull, plus three live tracks of which two songs do not have studio-version analogues yet. Seven studio tracks for many remain the high point of USC as extreme downer acid-psych-space rock. Finding a perfectly steady balance of trapping crunchy rhythms, strung-out guitar riffage at the core of molten swirling and bubbling synthesizer lava, and echo-drenched vocalization obscurity, they managed to create a uniquely defining work. It’s a great introduction to the band for those brave enough to withstand the assault!
1 .Mi salamanca 2 .Vino amargo 3 .Dinero y riquezas 4 .Un fandango informativo 5 .Tesoro de coplas 6 .Tientos del reloj 7 .Por dios que me vuelvo loco 8 .Las campanas de linares 9 .Los iguales para hoy 10 .Mi perro amigo 11 .Sendas del viento 12 .Tren del olvido 13 .Que doblen campanas 14 .A barcelona llegan los olés 15 .Twist del faraón
A veces, cantaores con magníficas cualidades que lo llevarían a ocupar un lugar de privilegio en el vasto mundo de los intérpretes del flamenco, sucumben lamentablemente, a la tentación de la canción orquestada, muchas de ellas con letras lacrimógenas y sensibleras, pero de un gran impacto entre un numeroso público que nada tiene que ver con el flamenco; un público más identificado con los espectáculos flamenco - teatrales. montados a partir de un libreto o guión, en los que se escenifica cada canción, convirtiéndola en una estampa andaluza romántica y de brillante colorido pero sin ningún contenido jondo", que con la angustiosa soledad del cantaor frente a otro público al que no solamente tiene que convencer de su angustia, sino hacerle participe de ella. Puede que, en parte, sean imposiciones de las casas discográficas que obliguen a sus artistas a grabar lo que el gran público exige, buscando una mayor venta de discos que, a su vez redunda en beneficio del intérprete por lo cual no es extraño que este elija el camino mas fácil y mas rentable.
Con una bellísima voz gitana como las mismas fraguas y de una flamencura fuera de la común, Rafael Farina se sometió casi por entero a la facilidad de la copla, y se hizo más cancionero que cantaor. No quiero decir con esto, ni mucho menos. que la copla sea fácil de cantar. Además, Farina supo ponerla en lo más alto a fuerza de hacerlo bien y con gusto, con el mismo duende con que cantaba flamenco. Pero era canción.
Rafael. como tantísimos artistas de su época, tuvo que ganarse el sustento cantando en bares y fiestas supeditado a la voluntad más o menos generosa de quien escucha. Y ya iba para cantaor. En 1944, en el homenaje tributado a Juanito Mojama en el cine Alcalá de Madrid, demostró ampliamente que lo era. A partir de ahí entra a formar parte de varias compañías. entre ellas la de Concha Piquer hasta que, en 1952, con la reposición del Teatro Pavón de Madrid de la copla Andaluza pasa. aunque no deje nunca de cantar flamenco, a ser conocido definitivamente como cancionero. A partir de ese año cerca de treinta espectáculos aflamencados lo convierten en el ídolo de un inmenso público amante de la canción española. Y, aunque Rafael Farina será recordado siempre como lo que era, un gran artista que con su estilo tan personal, con un torrente de voz que conservaría tan entera y tan flamenca hasta el final, y que fue la máxima atracción de todo espectáculo donde cantara, creo que estaba dotado para destinos más altos en el cante jondo. Pero que Farina era flamenco lo demuestran, sobre todo, sus fandangos, cortos, profundos y que eran verdaderos latigazos de buen cante. Por suerte queda su vasta colección de discos que, cante lo que cante, nos seguirán asombrando por el arte que derrochaba este Rey Gitano salmantino.
01. totalkvaddad [1:09] 02. sjukast i varlden [1:07] 03. livets svarta tunnel [1:36] 04. valdtagen sjal [1:01] 05. om vingar fanns [1:28] 06. fagelskramman [2:25] 07. den dagliga skiten [1:28] 08. forbipasserande lik [1:25] 09. en andra chans [1:27] 10. magsar [1:46] 11. transparent ondska [1:33] 12. fladd pa sjalvkansta [2:03] 13. hemkomst 01 00 [0:58] 14. slutet vann [1:26] 15. mackt for livet [1:00] 16. traffad [1:40] 17. registerad i skrack [1:13] 18. mitt problemmin havudvark, mitt livv [1:01] 19. gangavstand till undergang [1:22] 20. dod for lange sedan [1:44] 21. utanforskapel et jag [3:32]
The whole idea behind Splitter was founded around christmas in 2003 by Thimmy, Fredrik and Oskar. It all started like a joke, a lot of talk but no action. After some time they decided to make it happen and to give it 100%. The songwriting, especially the writing of lyrics was exceeding in early springtime 2004. A bunch of songs were composed and the bassplayer Thomas became a fulltime member. Now it was time to promote Splitter. Make ourselves heard in all possible ways such as MP3s, live performances, magazines and so on. Splitter chose seven songs and entered a studio in Hässelby in late spring 2004 with Kristian Niemann from Therion as producer.
The result was outstanding! Splitter made three live performances before the last piece was put to the puzzle, a second guitarplayer, - Niklas - Later, Thomas left the band and a new member - Mattias - joined Splitter for a couple of gigs. Even Mattias left the band with a short story behind. Finally, - Fredrik -, a ripping bassplayer from Uppsala became the fulltime bassplayer in Splitter.
01. Slag efter slag [1:40] 02. En raserad värld [2:14] 03. A.C.A.B. [0:26] 04. Hatets parad [1:44] 05. Välkommen till löneslaveriet [1:03] 06. Liv utan liv [1:58] 07. Skriker ut ditt hat [1:58] 08. De gyllene bägarna står i brand [2:13] 09. Död individ [2:15] 10. 720130 [1:09] 11. Number of the beast [0:11] 12. Humanitär katastrof [3:38] 13. Öga för öga [1:35]
This record saw the daylight quite quickly. It wasn't too long ago since Daniel of M:40 told me they might be doing a CD on Hobo Rec. And all of a sudden here it is. You get 13 songs of ferocious crust with a hardcore touch. It has a really great feeling to it, and you can sometimes actually feel the hate. Like in Hatets Parad (dealing with fascism/racism) you first get a sample, and then a short just mangling, punishing riffing part - really whipping up a whirlwind of anger. But besides the pissed off political crustcore, M:40 shows us their ability to perform beautiful, melancholic instrumental tunes (720130), building up an atmosphere of sorrow and frustration. But also slow, haunting hccrust - Humanitär Katastrof has such a fucking amazing riffing... Anyway. Most of the tunes are more to the older school of Scandinavian crust, with a touch of the new. The vocals seem the have one foot standing in the Finnish scene too... Not just your ordinary crust screaming. Simply put: A great showcase of talented young musicians.
1. Intro - Unknown 2. Sacrifice De Poulets - Ministere Amer 3. Vent Tourne - Sens Unik 4. 25eme Image - Iam/Daddy Nuttea 5. Dealer Pour Survivre - Expression Direkt 6. C'est La Meme Histoire 7. Requiem 8. Comme Dans Un Film - MC Solaar 9. Vague A L'Arme - FFF 10. Sors Avec Ton Gun - Raggasonic 11. Bons Baisers Du Poste 12. L'Etat Assassine - Assassin
1. Bliss [4:43] 2. Yes, I Do Own Clothes [4:45] 3. Holy Trinity Church Student Bar [6:11] 4. One but Not Metallica [6:36] 5. Mustn't Grumble [4:21] 6. Rides in (On a Cash Cow) [4:43] 7. Look What Pale Horse Has Done to Me [7:10] 8. Don't Die On an Empty Stomach [2:44] 9. Sun Starved Day (Be Patient) [5:31]
Opener "Bliss" consists of nothing but heavily distorted lulls that decay into eerie feedback or low-end drones with the occasional bashed bass note/chord, creating an unclear picture that only hints at what this UK unit has to offer. It's only when "Yes, I Do Own Clothes" kicks in with the full band that Pale Horse's brand of absolutely bleak sludge/doom becomes apparent: Nasty distortion, low tuning, pounding slow tempos... the works. And the cackled vocal screams (at times giving way to soft spoken passages) really fit the aesthetic of the music quite nicely, adding a more acerbic bite to the forefront. Imagine Burning Witch meets Dystopia meets Engine Kid with a few more subtly melodic/dissonant flirtations reminiscent of Godflesh's less tangible instrumentation. There's definitely a lot of space here, with hard-hitting percussion, not to mention a very dominant bass presence... in fact, I think there may be two bassists, as most tracks don't seem to have guitars involved. So, for the most part, expect a constant bludgeoning of sinister atmospheres that definitely invoke a lot of disturbed feelings... but the melodic undercurrents definitely lend a nice helping hand and keep things more colorful. Among some of the more notable moments are when "One But Not Metallica" drops in some deep growling vocals against the screams, and "Mustn't Grumble" uses quietly filtered spoken vocals and dry acoustic guitars to create one of the most moving and unique compositions herein. However, closer "Sun Starved Day (Be Patient)" is fucking amazing, bringing in overtly melodic distorted guitars with lots of ringing chords and soft vocals that are faintly sung - definitely the strongest Godflesh allusions herein, and a song so powerful that it practically eclipses the rest of the disc. An impressive finish, for sure. I'm fucking blown away there. The recording is great as well. Nice and thick, very powerful, clear as fucking day, and still retaining a lot of space and natural presence. The drums sound pretty damn good with a great ring to the cymbals, the vocals are right in the heart of the music, the bass guitar(s) are more effective than most bands who use them so dominantly, and the guitars (when present) sound excellent in all forms - the basically untainted acoustics actually among my favorite textures on the entire CD. Visually this looks quite nice. I'm a big fan of both the colors and general style of the photography, and the handwritten lyrics/text provide another nice touch. There's not a booklet, just two two-sided cards with imagery and text. The lyrics are quite curious, ranging from bleak and abstract to rather narrative, but still obscure: "There's five seconds left till never, Hanged by angel's hair you severed, You cannot conceive of forever, You will be built up to never know..." This is a very strong release, but after hearing the mighty "Sun Starved Day (Be Patient)" I must deduce that this is but a mere taste of what this band is capable of. Its finer moments are absolutely masterful, not that the rest isn't great, it is... but I'm telling you, check out this fucking "Sun Starved Day..." track and you'll be fucking floored. Great work. I look forward to hearing more.
1. Kivitetty Saatana [4:49] 2. Vasaraasialainen [5:50] 3. Pelko Antaa Siivet [4:00] 4. Hamarapuolella [5:16] 5. Astiatehdas [3:10] 6. Vanha Lapsuudenystävä [6:15] 7. Olisimme Uineet Vieläkin Pidemmälle [5:45] 8. Lentävä Mato [3:41] 9. Jää, Hyvä Mieli [6:01]
This one's easy: if you liked Vasaraasia, you'll like Käärmelautakunta. The overall method hasn't changed from the debut album to this, the sophomore effort - the music here is a melting pot of "ethnic" melodies played on mostly non-rock instrumentation (as before, cellos, trumpets, and saxes tend to dominate, with lots of pump organ in the background) in a rock context. But where Vasaraasia tended to flit between fast, jittery, up-tempo pieces and extremely dark and brooding ones, this one generally occupies a middle ground more often. Much of the album is still distinctly moody, with few tracks that are as upbeat as, say, "Mamelukki and Musta Leski" from the debut, but they don't tend to get as droney or depressing as some of the pieces from the earlier album.
The last two tracks break away from this sort of mid-tempo, mid-mood theme, with "Lentävä Mato" being the most upbeat and energetic piece on the album and "Jää, Hyvä Mieli" the hardest-rocking. The latter especially is quite a departure, consisting almost entirely of an extremely slow, inexorably plodding heavy-metal riff (on cello, of course) overlaid by meandering pump organ and sax. Doom metal meets Eastern European folk: it's quite an experience... and it works.
Aside from the above, it's tough to describe this album either in terms of its predecessor or on absolute terms. The moniker "ethnic brass punk" that the band trumpets on their website still seems to hold, but Käärmelautakunta doesn't seem quite as fresh in that sense as the debut, probably simply because it's really more of the same. In this case, though, I'm not complaining — this is really great, top-notch stuff, and though it doesn't break new ground as compared to Vasaraasia, I think it's more consistenly enjoyable as a whole, and it has become my favorite of two albums. And where else do you get to hear a dual-cello attack that really rocks?
1.On the wall 2.Decoder 3.The red curtain falls 4.Crossword 5.Anesthesia 6.And...if this was the end 7.Overrage 8.Between hell & you 9.A moment before 10.Awake
Nuevo trabajo de el grupo de Vitoria, que han seguido los pasos para hacer de este disco un verdadero clásico, grabado en los estudios Ritmoch de Madrid (995) y mezclado por Borja Buron (ex-995) el disco tiene un sonido impecable, expectacular, pero a todo ello el grupo da un giro total a sus anteriores grabaciones y nos descubre a un grupo mas maduro, contundente, menos melódico y canciones mas trabajadas en las bases musicales, hacen un disco intenso, creativo y que anuncia un directo apabullante
01. pale face [5:56] 02. retina [3:58] 03. fools wanted, apply [3:34] 04. my track in the dust [6:21]
Right from the first beats, “pale face” is a screaming, kicking act of musical violence, heavily beating chords, drums and lyrics into your face like there is no tomorrow. Hardcore has always been about the release of energy and tension, a cathartic moment that produces peace of mind and physic. Fresnel only need four songs to calm down a storm – a storm of heavy music, they fired up themselves. Some might say, that they have heard this many times before, but they ain’t really listening. So they ain’t hearing the honesty and dedication behind the expression of feelings like despair, rage and anger. This record makes me grow young again. Debut-release of a band and a label – reason enough to celebrate. Not counting a demo and a contribution to a compilation (the “postcards from the heartland”-comp on Fire Walk With Me), “scenario” is the first record by Fresnel from Vienna and the first record to be released by noise appeal-records, also from Vienna. Not that it is really important where a band or a label comes from / is situated, using the internet and everything, but since I am also from Vienna, there is the old spark of “support your local scene” glowing up in me. And that is not the only old spark being fired up inside me. Listening to the heavy-duty guitars, the disharmonic screaming, the enormously distorted and bass-heavy sound of this band, I am reminded very much of the days I used to spend in cold and moist cellars that were called clubs, listening to bands spilling out their heart’s blood to a bunch of drunken punks. Somewhere in-between a long row of unbearable bands, churning out the same rhythm, the same riff and the same stupid slogans over and over again, there was always one band that stood out by being different. Different sound, different lyrics, different ideas. Those I liked the most, were usually also of the heavier kind. The more distorted a band sounded, the more I liked it. I am sure not a lot has changed since I “dropped out” that scene, but I am quite sure that Fresnel would be the band standing out from the rest by virtue alone. In other words, if Fresnel are a mediocre band, hardcore must have gotten a lot better. But I doubt it heavily. Because I enjoy Fresnel a lot. It is hard to put new life into hardcore, and I am talking about heavy, manic, sludgy hardcore that screams, kicks and falls into neurotic fits from time to time. Some people will tell you, that it is all done and over with ever since Neurosis became esoteric ambient-freaks. Fresnel will prove the opposite. The four songs on “scenario” are kicking heavily, bursting into fits of rage and screaming at the walls like patients in an insane-asylum. They will stop to take a breath from time to time but only because they’ve spent all their energy and anger and frustration already. Anger, energy and frustration are still three main pillars of hardcore / punkrock and everything associated with it. Even though Fresnel mainly sing about relationships, and the bad parts of them being in the main focus, the hurt and pain and hopelessness, I still believe music like this to have a political message in itself. In my opinion the personal viewpoint expressed in the music in connection with an alternative lifestyle is worth more than the most correct political punkrock singing about veganism and war. Oh, I am quite sure that the “revolution” and the “evils that men do” are still of major concern to the leftist scene. Somehow they seem to survive without help all by themselves. More important than the zombified “issues” of leftist music is the fact there are still (and hopefully will always be) young people deciding to try things for themselves. Do a label, found a band, write a fanzine. There is no better school to learn about being open-minded, to learn to think for yourself, to get to the core of what has been called “enlightenment” in earlier years. And whenever that happens, the people responsible will get my support and my thumbs up. If the result is as fresh and energizing as this four track EP, then I am doubly delighted. P.S.: The second release on noise-appeal is quite different to this one but also very good, a seven-song-CD by Once Tasted Life.
01.Snack Heads On Empty Part I & II [5:30] 02. Minimalist [4:43] 03. Rock Star [2:48] 04.The Break Song [7:14] 05.Life is Like A Constant Winter [2:39] 06.What Do You See When You Sleep? [4:06] 07.My buddy is A Robert [2:04] 08.Spoons Are OK [6:40] 09.All Right Chop Chop Get On With It [4:54] 10.Riot For Boozers (Why Don't you Scream ?) [10:04]
Some years ago, naming your new band after a famous football team seemingly was fun in Belgium. Now, us Belgians are hooked up with bands like Arsenal, Sheffield Wednesday, Chelsea and Galatasaray. The striking thing about the latter is that they're 12, audibly well-trained and in my humble opinion… just better than the rest.
Boxing Camp For Blues Oriented Snack Heads is the first release for Vlas Vegas records and the second album for Galatasaray, after 2003's Montana. Both Vlas Vegas and Galatasaray are based in Kortrijk, Belgium. The band's 12 members are spread throughout the alternative music scene of that city and include people of bands like Hitch, Hawai, Think Of One, Gèsman and Ozark Henry.
Boxing Camp For Blues Oriented Snack Heads is still instrumental, but sounds a lot more steady and rocking than Montana. Whereas the first album clearly had the emphasis on the trumpets, trombones, clarinets and saxophones, the new full-length is more diverse and leaves additional space for firm guitar riffing and a solid rhythm section. It introduces us to the darker and heavier side of the band and will probably appeal more to the rock fans than before. Some interesting guitar breaks and twists, the intro for Life Is Like A Constant Winter, or Snack Heads On Empty Part II could come right off a Hitch album.
The song What Do You See When You Sleep?, in the middle of the album, kind of breaks with the tempo and atmosphere created so far, and its rest is welcomed. Then again, the distortion and (de)structure on a song like Spoons Are OK, gets us focused again. That song is one of the highlights of the album if you ask me. It perfectly integrates the diverse instrumentation of the band in an interesting song with some jazzy hooks.
Boxing Camp For Blues Oriented Snack Heads is an album that constantly switches between genres and ideas. Because of that some songs might water down for a moment, but it never takes long before the band returns to the core of every song, eventually even throwing in a dancy brass sound. This is a solid new release from a seemingly restless band that courageously thinks beyond genres. Make sure to catch this friendly gang live!