
Etiquetas: Closed.
eraser at 8:09 p. m.
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Corea - Quien Encuentra A La Madre Conoce A Los Hijos
Tracklist01. el origen devuelve la calma [7:10]
02. lo que está quieto es fácil de retener; lo que todavía es débil es fácil de romper [3:12]
03. sin forma no hay deseo [6:06]
04 las trincheras del Iván [7:07]
05. lo rígido y firme pertenece a la muerte [5:18]
06. porque todos consideran bello lo bello; así aparece lo feo [7:46]
07. voy a morir como nunca ha muerto nadie antes [8:54]
InfoFinally with a bigger delay than expected it has arrived at my hands
Corea’s new record.
Under the long title of ‘Quien encuentra a la madre conoce a los
hijos’ here it is the so awaited (for some people) second record for
this spanish band. It is a black black 2x12” where they show 8 new
songs, 2 songs on each side, that go from the Breach and Switchblade
influences in the heaviest parts to the more subtle parts of tricks
and games between guitars and synths. Complicating the song structures
and looking for a better treatment in the synths and voices sounds,
Corea show more development in the composition but trying to get away
of the monotonous and artificial soundscapes offered by some of the
experimental bands that may arise in your thoughts at first
listenings, that are so in fashion in the latest years.
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/coreanomolan DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=V8GU7XQ0 ------------------Etiquetas: ambiental., Corea, Post-rock, Screamo
eraser at 12:22 p. m.
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Die Young - Graven Images
Tracklist01 - making a killing 00:28
02 - the story of our lives 02:06
03 - fuck the imperialists 02:22
04 - to forget civilization 01:15
05 - graven images 01:43
06 - your trusted friends 00:53
07 - distant memories 02:16
08 - desperate hope 01:00
09 - lonely at the top 01:27
10 - carried by visions 03:02
11 - ghost towns 01:35
12 - in limbo 00:44
13 - the dying athiest 02:06
14 - become the change 01:59
15 - reiteration 02:44
InfoTake the enraged socio-political perspective of TRIAL, the bloodthirsty sonic assault of TERROR and INTEGRITY, and top it off with the suicidal determination of BLACK FLAG. The end result is Texas's hardest working hardcore band. DIE YOUNG (TX) represents the punk rock equivalent of Noam Chomsky on steroids spouting politics and philosophy with Nietzsche during his descent into madness while on deck of the vessel Captain Ahab is sailing into oblivion. The future looks grim, and DIE YOUNG (TX) sets out to confront the oncoming storm with full force and a total disregard for personal consequences. "It's refreshing to listen to a band that can intelligently convey ideas outside of scene politics and the like. And while their lyrical content definitely helps distinguish them, the band still writes and performs perfectly executed hardcore songs.” writes Michael Phillips from scenepointblank.com.
In less than four years since the band's inception, DIE YOUNG (TX) has played nearly every major city in continental North America (including
cities in Alaska!), six countries in Eastern Asia, select locations in Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, and that is just the tip of the iceberg for what is to come for these nomadic punk warriors. No land which welcomes the punk, hardcore, or metal monikers will be spared before their time expires. No script is too sacred; no institution is too affluent to escape their scathing criticism. DIE YOUNG (TX) aims to remind the modern hardcore and punk scene of the value of dissent and the strength that idealistic naivete can bestow upon the individual.
EulogyRecordingsMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/dieyounggravenimages DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=S9INXAE6 --------------------Etiquetas: Die Young, hardcore
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Lavotchkin - The Oldest Suicide Cult
Tracklist01 The Kids Around Here Have Got A Deathwish [2:42]
02. I Wasn`t Alive Until This Momet [3:25]
03. In Honour of Alan Clarke [2:12]
04. Nothing Worse Than An Eyeless Horse [2:29]
05. I Shot My Face Off While Crazed On Crystal Meth [3:02]
InfoLavotchkin is a hard working five piece from the NorthEast of England. We Began in Feb 05 and played our first show on the 21st of July 05. One slight line up change was had when original 2nd guitarist was replaced in August 05 by Ben and since then we have been a solid line up. Four demo tracks were recorded between August 05 and December 05, which then led to June 06 where we had our first EP "The Oldest Suicide Cult" released via STA Records. Since then we have been playing shows at all ends of the United Kingdom and have managed to have STA Records re-released our EP into shops via shellshock distribution which will be available from the 22nd of January 2007.
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/lavotchkin DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?3nlz5dima5w -------------------Etiquetas: Lavotchkin, mathmetal, metal, Metalcore
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OvertHHHrow & WHN? -Livin' La Vida Loca
Tracklist01. Overthhhrow / Intro [1:11]
02. Overthhhrow / Lifework [0:59]
03. Overthhhrow / Drowned in blood [1:59]
04. Overthhhrow / Play it again Sam [1:46]
05. Overthhhrow / Politics [2:54]
06. Overthhhrow / More fire [3:01]
07. Overthhhrow / State controlled [2:32]
08. Overthhhrow / Winds of death [0:30]
09. Overthhhrow / Death forces [2:12]
10. Overthhhrow / Indoctrination [1:26]
11. Overthhhrow / Weekend Colombia [1:17]
12. Overthhhrow / Help me, save me [2:41]
13. Overthhhrow / Trobarem a [1:14]
14. Overthhhrow / Perversity [0:49]
15. Overthhhrow / Message to the pigs [0:13]
16. What Happens Next? / Rat bastard [1:30]
17. What Happens Next? / WHN? [0:28]
18. What Happens Next? / Invisible, impenetrable, ignored [0:28]
19. What Happens Next? / Museigu shugi banzai [1:53]
20. What Happens Next? / One and fall [0:36]
21. What Happens Next? / Uma me [0:36]
22. What Happens Next? / Red lilghts, tin roofs [1:15]
23. What Happens Next? / Aki rami naizo [1:31]
24. What Happens Next? / Banner sized politics [1:20]
25. What Happens Next? / Charmuda [0:54]
26. What Happens Next? / Salamat kai bigan [2:18]
27. What Happens Next? / Hollow victory [0:52]
28. What Happens Next? / My friends and the pit (Impact Unit) [1:01]
InfoPor un lado Overthrow, proyecto de la gente de HHH, en plan crossover, con influencias de grupos como Slayer, Hirax o Cryptic Slaughter. Por el otro los bandana thrashers de Waht Happens Next con canciones grabadas en un show en una radio.
DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/s5jlgj ---------------------Etiquetas: crossover, OvertHHHrow, Trash, WHN?
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Zul - El golpe de la aguja
Tracklist1. Maya Deren [5:28]
2. Txargorri (A Pupille) [4:03]
3. O [4:49]
4. La Estrella Del Porno Jubilada [5:31]
5. Me Da Igual Que Sea Impossible [2:25]
6. Nadie Se Acuerda De Portugal [6:10]
7. Ambigu 3:33 [7:43]
8. O [4:28]
9. No Es Una Linia Recta [7:14]
InfoZul son una banda tarraconense formada en 1.998 y en la actualidad integrada por Nando, Ivan , Chris, Gerard y Adela que hace unos pocos meses editaban su primer álbum, El golpe de la aguja de la mano de Slow Coloured, sello que también edita los discos de sus compañeros y amigos Pupille.
Si Zul fuesen estadounidenses o canadienses encajarían a la perfección en el catalogo de Constellation (Godspeed you! black emperor, Do make say think, Fly pan am...) por su forma de tratar los ambientes, creando tensión, por la manera de extenuar las guitarras o por la cercanía a estilos como el free-jazz o el post-hardcore. Los nueve temas que componen El Golpe de la Aguja giran en torno a estas coordenadas, lineas de piano hipnóticas sacudidas por frenéticas guitarras ("Maya deren", "O"... ) con interluidos de calma tensa como la bella armonía y los coros que acompañan "Me da igual que sea imposible".
Tal vez los mejores momentos del disco llegan cuando Zul se dejan llevar, cuando la experimentación fluye entre guitarras y pianos, logrando alcanzar un punto de explosión hardcore impresionante en temas como "La estrella del porno jubilada", matizando el free-jazz con la trompeta que cierra "Txargorri", o deslizándonos entre los últimos latidos de "No es una línea recta" para cerrar este interesante debut. No les vamos a perder de vista.
MuzikaliaDDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?cqvmf52zzyg ------------------Etiquetas: Post-rock., Zul
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Architect - All Is Not Lost
Tracklist01. The Awakening [3:17]
02. Sic Semper Tyrannis [2:04]
03. 11 [0:11]
04. Trepanning For Oil [2:42]
05. 13 [0:13]
06. Hell Of The Upsidedown Sinners [3:40]
07. The End Of It [1:31]
08. Collapse Of The War Engine [4:05]
09. 33 [0:33]
10. Broke Dick Dog [4:23]
11. The Giving Tree [8:17]
InfoAs I mentioned in the Gaza review I wrote, I was eagerly anticipating Architect's first release All is not Lost. While Black Market Activities had generally put out stuff outside of my niche, I knew who they were, and their recent releases have really catapulted them to the forefront of my attention. What grabs my attention about these releases is their unhinged ferocity and danger. Aggressive music as a whole has become a lot less aggressive since it has become mainstream and streamlined. Bands like Coalesce and Endeavor were genuine expressions of the futility of modern experience and outright disgust with American culture.
Thank God Architect carries on that tradition. They are not playing it safe by aligning themselves with the Gothenburg-sound, it's apparent they're not from The O.C., and you're not going to bump into them working at Toni and Guy. These are real-live pissed off dudes who have a chip on their shoulder and they will to tell you why. And while they do rely on some overdone conventions, like the intro to “The Awakening” with its quiet chorus build up erupting into heavy double-bass drumming, they clear their own ground like a napalm strike in Apocalypse Now. These guys aren't a run of the mill, tech-metal, third-tier Dillinger-with-breakdowns bullshit band. Their references are myriad, but the way they coalesce is unique. Architect grinds like Earache and throws down like Edison. You can sit down and listen to the entire album without losing interest from hearing the same scales repeated in eight different time signatures and you're not going to hear the same breakdown twice. Architect brings harsh dissonance backed up with heavy, heavy drops. These guys are dangerous and loud instead of being a one-trick-pony.
The lyrics are solid over-all, and it becomes apparent that their agenda is anti-conservative. The topics generally deal with dissatisfaction with consumerism in its ubiquitous form and religion as a sedative. They readily point the finger and place the blame on institutions that deceive, rather than individual action. But that ideological debate's an entirely different can of worms.
My only real complaint is the production of the disc is so thick and heavy that it loses some of the visceral rawness that something like Monuments to Thieves has, but when you're pretty much signed to Metal Blade, it's hard to not want to use that exorbitant budget to get something that sounds immaculate. Each kick-in is as heavy as you can imagine and as powerful as your stereo's volume knob allows. If you like loud, fast, and heavy Architect's got it in spades.
ScenePointBlankMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/architectkills DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?6kyzniidi5j -------------------Etiquetas: Architect, hardcore, mathmetal, metal
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Dystopia & Noothgrush & Bongzilla & Corrupted - Twin Threat To Your Sanity (Pet.)
Tracklist01. Dystopia - Diary Of A Battered Child [03:46]
02. Noothgrush - Procreation Of The Wicked [04:55]
03. Bongzilla - Gestation [03:55]
04. Corrupted - Nieve [06:17]
DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?0m1ytojmwtz -------------------Etiquetas: Bongzilla, Corrupted, doom, Dystopia, Noothgrush, sludge
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Nine Days Wonder - The Scenery is in Disguise There
Tracklist01.Reminder [3:46]
02.Stuck [2:45]
03.Lossleader [3:07]
04.Viceprint [3:55]
05.Magnet [4:52]
06.The Flock Soars [4:03]
07.Return to Sender [3:39]
08.Hollow Inside [1:33]
09.New Ways to See the World [4:15]
InfoNine Days Wonder are heavily influenced by the loud and thundering post-punk that swarms music in the United States. No doubt this sound is somewhat less prevalent in the group's hometown of Tokyo, Japan. The quartet cites such bands as Shotmaker, Unwound, and The Jesus Lizard as pivotal influences to their current sound, and it shows. But just as there's quite a bit of geographic distance between this band and their influences, musically lots has changed in the translation, making them quite enjoyable and unique.
On their debut album, Scenery Is In Disguise There, driving, layered, and melodic rock suddenly gives way to pounding wallops by the rhythm section and shrieking vocals. And then you might barely recognize the band if you're listening to their split CDEP with San Diego's No Knife. There, the group takes a more melodic and artistic approach with cleaner guitars and the addition of keyboards high in the mix which dictate much of the music's mood. The intricities are still important, but aggression has given way to more tuneful expression. Nine Days Wonder are a much different take on many interesting things happening mostly in the United States, and they're definitely worth a listen.
EpitonicDDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?6qoqyagm3dn -------------------Etiquetas: Nine Days Wonder, post-punk, Post-rock
eraser at 6:56 p. m.
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Danba - Frango Funts (2000)
Tracklist01. Zarratu Begiak [4:05]
02. Egunekotuak [3:51]
03. Esamesaka II [5:44]
04. MoonLight Heather [3:48]
05. Ene Lagun Galduak [3:59]
06. Gaiztoak [4:32]
07. Onddo Deabru [3:57]
08. Irudimenaren Indarra [4:10]
09. Sukarra Grisean [3:52]
10. La Porta Oberta en el Cel , I Aixo VII [5:08]
InfoBreakthrough Funk-Metal could be the musical definition for this group from Laudio (Araba). This last record is proof of the band´s talent.
DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?az4gjbeewim ------------------Etiquetas: Damba, funk, metal
eraser at 6:49 p. m.
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Unsane - Visqueen
Tracklist1. Against The Grain
2. Last Man Standing
3. This Stops At The River
4. Only Pain
5. No One
6. Windshield
7. Shooting Clay
8. Line On The Wall
9. Disdain
10. Eat Crow
11. East Broadway
InfoNew York City's Unsane assisted in pioneering a more aggressive, less studied version of noise rock, one that blended the scum/art industrial sturm und drang of Foetus, the Swans, Einsturzende Neubauten, and Sonic Youth with the decidedly more straightforward hardcore idiom favored by acts like Sick of It All. While developing the blueprint for noise-metal bands to follow, Unsane cut a remarkable swath through underground music, inspiring a devoted, cult-like following around the globe. As a power trio, Unsane relied upon a hammering, power-press rhythm section, a searing Telecaster howl, and distorted vocals that resembled nothing if not the sound of a man trapped in the New York Subway system. Having met at Sarah Lawrence College in the late '80s, the original incarnation of Unsane -- Chris Spencer (vocals, guitar), Pete Shore (bass), and Charles Ondras (drums) -- crawled larvally out of the practice space in 1989 and began playing New York's seediest haunts. It was these graveyard slots at clubs like CBGB's where the band developed and honed their trademark sound and delivered the goods with due intensity and volume. Unsane piqued the interest of numerous small indie labels and began issuing a series of singles and EPs before recording their self-titled debut with Matador Records. Using the photo of a decapitated man lying across train tracks, Unsane's album cover set the tone for the admixture of seething aggression, naked fear, and barely controlled noise chaos contained within. But the band's devastating maelstrom contained more than enough tunefulness and rock propulsion to quite easily surpass its more affected Lower East Side peers. During 1992, Unsane's daunting schedule was cut devastatingly short by the untimely drug overdose of drummer Charles Ondras. Former Swans and Foetus drummer Vinny Signorelli climbed aboard the swiftly moving train in the fall of 1992 and the band began composing its next album. In the interim, Matador compiled and issued a collection of Unsane's early singles and compilation tracks, appropriately titled Singles: 89-92. It is perhaps Unsane's defining moment. The following year found the band recording its first for Atlantic Records, Total Destruction, a menacing, dark collection of songs driven by Signorelli's hypnotic drumming and Spencer's man-pushed-to-the-edge vocals. More touring followed and Matador released the Peel Sessions disc almost concurrently with Total Destruction. After being discharged from Atlantic in 1994, Unsane found both a new bass player in Dave Curran -- who joined on tour while doing sound for the band -- and a home for their next album, Scattered, Smothered, and Covered, on the independent noise rock label, Amphetamine Reptile Records. While maintaining the band's signature sound and volume, 1995's Scattered... showed the band opening their rhythmic approach, with most songs inhabiting a more rock-oriented 4/4 pattern, granting the album a more spacious and controlled feel. Scattered... also contained the unlikely MTV hit video for "Scrape," featuring a series of skateboard accidents intercut with footage of the band performing live. Created for 200 dollars, it was ironically named one of MTV's Ten Funniest Videos. The band toured relentlessly and managed to secure an opening slot with metal behemoths Slayer on one of their North American headlining tours. Shortly after, the trio made another label switch to Relapse Records and began constructing its final album, the ironically titled Occupational Hazard. While on a press tour in Europe only a month prior to the disc's release, Spencer was brutally attacked by street thugs and left for dead on the streets of Vienna, Austria. After emergency surgery, he returned to the touring arena. For over a decade they have represented a harsh, aggressive, honest, and intelligent voice of New York's Lower East Side.
AllMusicGuideMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/unsane DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?bo5ykjzmznf --------------------Etiquetas: metal, noise, Rock, Unsane
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Schwere Artillerie - Brutal Bebop Show
Tracklist1. Anabarbera [1:30]
2. Disco Killer [2:12]
3. Lady Marlon [2:11]
4. Toy! Toy! Toy! [0:22]
5. The Get Up Bastard [2:44]
6. No Heroes [4:21]
7. Cryptex [12:10]
InfoC'est fait, le webzine Tears From Silence est également un label depuis la sortie de l'album de THE THIRD MEMORY et de celui de SCHWERE ARTILLERIE.
Si on passe outre la pochette, qui selon mes goût est assez moche, on a la chance de découvrir une musique plutôt barrée. Non non pas un truc hyper lourd, non un ovni emo dirons nous. Sept titres assez ouf tellement cela délire. Une première chose que l'on entend à gog c'est le clavier. Après cela une rythmique assez rock'n roll-esque. Un chant crié et parfois tellement mélodique que l'on croirait un choeur féminin. Je pense bizaremment baguement à du ATOM AND HIS PACKAGE ou encore à du HORSE THE BAND. Mais bon néanmoins différent tellement ces groupes sont tous atypiques les uns et les autres. Une bonne surprise après une démo déjà pas mal du tout (du moins dans mon souvenir!).
Vu les photos live sur leur site ( http://schwere.artillerie.free.fr ) le groupe français semble assez barjo en live également...Je serais bien curieux de voir cela une fois! Imaginé des casques de polices et tout le tsuin tsuin hehehe. A voir et à écouter donc!
ShootMeAgainMySpace http://www.myspace.com/schwereartilleriemusic DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?1myhgdyjtgm -------------------Etiquetas: Schwere Artillerie, Screamo
eraser at 1:21 p. m.
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Voice Of hate - Handling Of Flesh
Tracklist1. BURN
Info“Handling of flesh” es el nuevo trabajo de los valencianos VOICE OF HATE, una de las mejores bandas de death metal que pueblan la península. No hace mucho, cosa de un año y pico, tuve la ocasión de enfrentarme a su Ep de debut con el sello andorrano Voliac Rock Productions, de nombre “Gods of hell and earth” cuya calidad y buen sonido me dejaron completamente anonadado. Aparecidos de la nada, estos valencianos lograron cautivarme con un fantástico Ep donde el death metal old school más clásico se mezclaba soberanamente con el grind más añejo británico, dando como resultado un trabajo que nadie situaría en pleno 2003. Por suerte, las cosas en el seno de la banda no han cambiado mucho y lo que VOICE OF HATE nos presentan en “Handling of flesh” no es más que la continuación lógica y coherente de lo mostrado en “Gods of hell and earth”; Un death metal con una cantidad de cojones por decibelio cuadrado alarmante.
Los puntos de mira siguen siendo los mismos que en su anterior obra; NAPALM DEATH, EXTREME NOISE TERROR, CARCASS, primeros MORBID ANGEL, TERRORIZER y el material de los años 80’s de gente que va desde SLAYER o SODOM hasta REPULSION, todo ello, con un enfoque personal genuino y original que hace fácilmente reconocible el estilo de VOICE OF HATE.
“Handling of flesh” cuenta con 13 temas cuya duración total es de 30 minutos, creo yo, más que suficientes. De nuevo, VOICE OF HATE han vuelto a acudir a los estudios R.P.M. de Valencia logrando unos resultados mortíferos y que no dejan lugar a duda; Esta gente sabe de sobras como hacer sonar un disco de death metal puro y duro. Como añadido extra a este su primer Lp, VOICE OF HATE nos regalan el videoclip del tema “Terror Tactics”, elaborado, extremo y visualmente agresivo, como ha de ser. El acabado del Cd es enteramente profesional y cuenta con un libreto perfecto, a todo color y con las letras de las canciones. Hazte un favor, si te gusta el death metal de las bandas mencionadas, no seas cabezota, deja los prejuicios asociados al metal nacional y hazte rápidamente con una copia de esta barbarie sonora llamada “Handling of flesh”.
TheMetalCircushttp://www.myspace.com/voiceofhatelegions DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?agztdgddznh ---------------------Etiquetas: death metal, Grindcore, Voice of Hate
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