01. Mort mort mort 02. une heure plus tard 03. le veilleur du grand marché 04. ... 05. huit 06. le kid de la plage 07. on a qu'a se dire qu'on s'en 08. 8 prophète de malheur
Coming from Caen, France, Aussitôt Mort (as soon as dead in french) began playing together in early 2005 : soon after the Apollo Program break up, Antoine, Milouze and Greg decided they wanted to carry on making music together... They teamed up with good friends and great musicians Pierre (also bassplayer in Amanda Woodward) and Cédric (from the experimental-post-rockish local band None-Id). No rules were set, no boundaries erected, just the usual “making music you like with good friends” thing. They first tried to create a new style, “emo-doom”, which could have been called “emoom”, or “doomo”, but they kind of failed. Several months later, some songs have been put together, recorded in le Studio de la Souleuvre, a remote studio in the Normandy countryside. During the process, some played french bowls, a dead mouse was found in a bed, things went pretty good.