Mar de Copas
Etiquetas: crust, metal, romeo must die
*Hotel Room Nudes
*Recursos Humanos Confidencial
*Hardcore Guerrilla Zine
*Miranda da asco
*Wine, women and song
*Una piel de astracan
*Jamendo: Libera tus oidos
*Hangover heart attack
*Blood is Truth
*Zen and the Art of Face Punching
*Comparte El Arte
*Ibrujo´s Journal
*Postapocalyptic Vanguard
*Metal Music Blog
* Engrudo
* 7inchcrust
* I wanna rock you baby....
* Born In The Basement
* Sala de noticias Anarcopunk
*Damaging Noise
*Doomed To Be Stoned In A Sludge Swamp
* Waiting Room
* am I mean?
* Friend or foe
* Dawn of the dead
* Workship & Tribute
*Yet under this mortal sun we cannot hide ourselves
*Dance and Fight
*Stay Free
* shortfastloud
* PUNK'O'TECA (new!)
* Kayıp Frekans Aralığı
* Sementerio
* [*Mercenario*]
* soundwave
* Built on a Weak Spot
* Deek Media
* .:SuicideByStar:.
* El rincón del 45
* Hijos de Saturno
* Kalashnikov Collective
* Bitterness The Star
* Olor a viejo...
* .:Lo-Res Viscera:.
* ekaitzaldi
* Disquitos!
* Emo Freak Delight v4.0
* Doom & Stoner Community
* Stay Female Fronted
* Christ Almartyr
* "revengeance"
* Declive al Caos
* kuro&kitaku
*Ediciones La Caida
*El Florido Pensil
*Rompiendo Huesos
*Robotic Obscurities