Tracklist01. Rainbow of Death [0:18]
02. Nice Happy Day [0:23]
03. Turbonekronomicon [0:32]
04. Death Rock and Rollerskates [0:35]
05. Bayonne uber Alles [0:32]
06. Corpse-Paint Cowboy [0:37]
07. Five- Finger Discount Anthem [0:30]
08. Hellbent for Kitty [0:32]
09. Transylvanian Princess [0:27]
10. Hellectric Guitarmy [0:38]
11. Dark Funeral [0:33]
12. Fuck the Futur [0:33]
13. Hello! Candy Kill [3:35]
InfoNo info, only listen!
Listen: Bayonne uber AllesMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/rainbowofdeath DDMASSMIRROR ----------------------Etiquetas: blakmetal, death-rock and roll, fastcore, pop, powerviolence, Rainbow of Death
eraser at 3:47 p. m.