Teeth of the Hydra - GreenlandTracklist01.Sawing Through the Ice
02.Our Strange Man
03.The Garden of Rotten Teeth
04.Voices Over Conus
05.Nine Heads
InfoYou definitely get the feeling that these guys spin Venom, Bathory, and Celtic Frost records as often as they reach for the Sleep and Clutch discs.
Sonically, these guys cover a lot of ground, and they definitely have an epic quality to them that some of the finer black metal albums have, but there's a lot of groove and blues thrown in with the barbed-wire riffing, as well as some more atmospheric, experimental moments. Their style is heavily indebted to the prog/post metal of High on Fire's first two albums, but while Pike and Preston opted for a cleaner, thrashier sound on Blessed Black Wings, these cats sharpen up some different weapons and look for other beasts of yore to slay. There's a distinctively noisy, angular Am Rep vibe that pops up in these guys from time to time, and while the music is suitably progressive and challenging, it never resorts to wankery. What it does rely heavily on is skull pounding riffs with equal doses of deadly nightshade and narcotic mandrake. Waves of psychedelia certainly sweep through the band's metallic leanings, and add yet another dimension to their monstrous sound.
Vocally, singer Matt Miner definitely channels the same demons as Cronos, and drinks the same whiskey as Lemmy. He's not afraid to tone down his throaty, raspy, aggressive style when the tempos sway into more doomy territories, where he opts for a mellower, more spoken delivery. The rhythm section offers a tight and pronounced counter-assault to the barrage laid down by the seering guitars and roaring vox, and the production, courtesy of Sanford Parker (Pelican, Unearthly Trance, Buried at Sea) perfectly accentuates all of the band's strengths. Fans of High on Fire, Enslaved, and Celtic Frost will not be disappointed in the slightest with their trip through the Viking world of Greenland
dinger007 / StonerRock.comMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/teethofthehydra Downloadhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/okbvxh --------------------eraser at 12:31 p. m.
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Victims - Divide And ConquerTracklist01. Anoter Way to Die [0:46]
02. Who the Fuck Are We [1:19]
03. Your Life is Red [2:12]
04. Lydande SMA Dockor [0:53]
05. Your Division [1:50]
06. The Night Driving Toll [1:27]
07. Another Mission [1:26]
08. Ruined [1:59]
09. Darkness Blinds You [1:09]
10. Captured [0:48]
11. Running for Escape [2:01]
12. You Make Me Fight [1:50]
13. Livlösa Kroppar [0:59]
14. Refuse to Feed the Machine [1:09]
15. Endless [2:11]
InfoVíctims , esta dentro de mis bandas suecas preferidas del hardcore del presente, realmente comenzaron a ganarme el año pasado con “… in blood”, y esa tendencia continúa con su tercer disco (lanzado otra vez por la etiqueta poderosa del HAVOC), “Divide And Conquer”. ¡15 pistas dentro de apenas 22 minutos! También digno de mencionar, especialmente para los que prefieran su hardcore un pedacito “más puro” de corazón, es que no hay metal aquí. Mientras que las bandas posee este cierto nivel de la agresión se asoció a un número de otros actos suecos contemporáneos, sus parásitos sonido lejos de cualquier crujido metálico, y de hecho marcaría este álbum siendo un poco mas crudo que en "… in blood " .
HardcoreGuerrillaZineMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/victims DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/1g3f97eraser at 3:37 p. m.
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Standstill - Standstill [Pet.]Tracklist1. Feliz en tu día
2. La vieja Gibellina
3. G.M.
4. Por todas las cosas
5. Si me levanto
6. Poema nº3
7. Cuando
8. Gafas de buzo
9. Gran final
10. 88:88
InfoNo era fácil la tarea para Standstill. Después de sacar su último y tan piropeado "Memories Collector" (2002) y tras "The Ionic Spell" (2001), "The Tide" (1998) y el ep acústico "The Latest Kiss" (2003), han tenido la pelota en su campo durante casi dos años. Y nos la han vuelto a devolver. Ahora nos toca a nosotros, de nuevo, como con cada uno de sus discos, asumir una propuesta que primero sorprende y que a cada nueva escucha gana más sentido, como debe ser con cualquier grupo que intenta, una vez y otra también, explorar terrenos desconocidos y sin referentes claros.
La fórmula ha necesitado varios ingredientes que, esta vez, obedecen a niveles distintos. Las tan diversas influencias, que ya han ido mostrando en cada disco, se integran más a su música, llevándoles a un estilo cada vez más crudo y a la vez más cálido. Cada elemento está en su lugar: una base rítmica mas simple y cada vez mas sólida, con la batería y el bajo caminando juntos desde que empieza hasta que acaba el disco. Guitarras compenetradas y con riffs más que certeros. Acústicas, bases electrónicas y arreglos matizando con inteligencia. Y la voz, cercana y melódica, rota cuando ha de estarlo. Todo al servicio de las canciones, del conjunto, de una especie de música sorprendente, incómoda e incluso oscura, que podría estar tan cerca del rock más vanguardista como de la tradición de la música negra.
Por otro lado, el segundo ingrediente, y el que primero llega a nuestros oídos, es una voz que nos habla en nuestro idioma, que dibuja mientras canta; un pequeño mundo agridulce hecho de diez canciones, diez situaciones. "Deconstrucción de algunos hechos destacados para dar una opinión, o sea, justificación". Así es como lo definen ellos en la última canción. Esta frase podría resumir el espíritu del disco, un auténtico ejercicio de sinceridad y coherencia en el que incluso se cuestiona el sentido de la existencia del grupo, hablando al oyente de tú a tú y siempre buscando los puntos en común, aquellos sitios inesperados donde todos podemos encontrarnos. El cambio de idioma representa un paso más en la coherencia de la banda, el mensaje y la actitud tienen un mayor peso, la creatividad ha fluído libremente y el resultado es un disco en el que la banda ha hecho exactamente lo que les ha dado la gana. Una vez más, han acertado.
BcoreMySpace http://www.myspace.com/standstill DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/69tc9t ---------------eraser at 11:09 a. m.
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Martyrdöd - In ExtremisTracklist01. Din Aura Av Sorg [3:02]
02. In Extremis [3:16]
03. Hor Varningen! [3:18]
04. Kollisinskurs Mellan Tva Varldar [3:42]
05. Vagen Ur [2:48]
06. Antagonisten [3:18]
07. Utanforskapet [3:56]
08. Tamjda Manniskor [3:12]
09. Ljusbringaren [3:35]
10. Valkommen Till Dodsriket [2:59]
11. Tyst Var [2:51]
12. Kollektivt Sjalvmord [3:14]
InfoOne of the most extreme and poweful records ever on Havoc. Martyrdöd unleash intense raw Swedish hardcore with some Black Metal influences. Ultra powerful metallic käng that drags you into a world of darkness, anger and despair. This band released a crushing LP on Plague Bearer and a split 7" with Sunday Morning Einsteins. Guitarist Micke also now plays in Skitsystem. This band has a distinct style within the strong tradition of Swedish hardcore. The riffs are raw and powerful, with haunting melody over a storm of raw sonic shrapnel. Two guitars trade off sledgehammer riffs and driving melodic leads. The vocals are searing and raw shouts of rage against the horror of 21st century industrial terror and war. This LP is a titanic blast of raw käng power.
CrimesAgainstHumanityRecordsMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/martyrdod DDMartyrdöd - In Extremiseraser at 10:48 a. m.
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Rotten Sound - Consume to ContaminateTracklist01. Decay
02. Loss
03. Crime
04. GDP
05. CTC
06. Flesh
07. Fear
08. Time
Formed in 1993, Rotten Sound unleashed their debut album "Under Pressure" in 1997 on Repulse Records and followed the debut with “Drain" in 1998. On year 2002 Rotten Sound released the genre-defining “Murderworks”, one of the corner-stones of the modern grind-core.
And though many thought that Rotten Sound couldn’t top that genre-defining album, the freight-train coming off rails that was the 2005 album “Exit” ran all sceptics over, and showed all just how far grindcore (or extreme metal for that matter) could be taken.
"Exit" got praising reviews from the media around the world, and it was claimed as one of the most important extreme releases of the year 2005. After the release of "Exit" Rotten Sound toured Scandinavia plus the U.S. and did a 2nd headlining tour in Europe during January 2006.
Sami Latva joined Rotten Sound in February 2006 to replace the band’s long-time drummer, Kai Hahto. The band was expecting to have a long break in 2006, but after Sami joined their line-up, it was decided that instead of a break, Rotten Sound would prepare for their next studio session.
During that session in April 2006, the band recorded eight new songs, the lyrical content of which once again the handled difficult issues of this globe, with tons of hate thrown around, but always with certain wit and intelligence, not to mention cynicism.
Now the new EP "Consume to Contaminate" introduces a new, heavier, more aggressive and insane Rotten Sound: a band that’s prepared to take the destructive powers of grind-core a few big leaps ahead.
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/rottensound DownloadRotten Sound - Consume to Contaminateeraser at 12:06 p. m.
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Mumakil - Customized WarfareTracklist32 tracks without title in 38 minutes.
InfoWhen I heard that members of Knut and legendary Swiss tech-grinders Nostromo had formed a new band called Mumakil, I knew I had to hear them. And when their label, Overcome, posted clips on its site that scared the shit out of me every time I visited, I had to track them down. And track them down I did, with probably the most email the label has ever gotten about an upcoming release.
Well, I'm glad I pestered Overcome so much (though they might not feel likewise), as Customized Warfare is a simultaneous kick to the balls and punch to the face (pretty dexterous if you think about it). "Pleasant," you say in disgust, but we metalheads are a masochistic lot. This is raging, no-bullshit grindcore with little of the technicality that characterized Nostromo. 32 songs blaze by in 37 minutes, with no printed lyrics and only Roman numerals for titles.
But this isn't all just "three yards and a cloud of dust" (that's American football, for all you Europeans). Songs go through half-time, double-time, two-step, thrash, and blastbeat grooves, with vocals ranging from high shrieks down to death growls and pig squeals. The smoothness of execution, variety of material, and quality of the recording suggest mid-career Nasum, which is great considering this band is just starting out. You might want to wear a cup (or other protective gear) before hearing these clips.
InvisibleOrangesMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/mumakil DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/5vgggreraser at 3:54 p. m.
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Cinemechanica - The Martial ArtsTracklist1. Gen [2:00]
2. Antsin Japants [2:51]
3. Brain Tarp [3:35]
4. I'm Tired of Paul McCartney [2:27]
5. Take Me to the Hospital [5:16]
6. Get Outta Here Hitler [4:08]
7. Bruckeheimer [2:51]
8. Ruins of Karnac [3:32]
9. Orlandu [4:25]
InfoCinemechanica are a math-rock quartet from Athens, Georgia. They are responsible for one of the most aurally exciting albums of the year. The Martial Arts is an exercise in both energy and audacity. While their sound is very reminiscent of early Q and Not U or Drive Like Jehu, Cinemechanica exceed these comparisons with an organically post-modern interpretation of a fundamentally exhausted genre.
The Martial Arts begins with a swift, four track sonic bombardment that effectively eradicates everything in its path. The technically taut, dual-guitar attack of Andy Pruett and Bryant Williamson is on full display within the first ten seconds. The duo's sing/shout vocals feverishly cling to the equally systematic rhythm section. After successfully clearing their way, Cinemechanica quietly ease into the album's completely instrumental midsection. "Take me to the Hospital" gently builds to an anxiously melodic crossroad where it is abruptly sabotaged by the chaotic, double drum kit driven "Get Outta Here Hitler." The remainder of the album extends its fiercely mechanical energy with a sporadic vocal approach.
The Martial Arts concludes as promptly as it began, leaving only the unnecessary shards of a superfluous genre in its wake. Within a mere half-hour, Cinemechanica have not only proven themselves as math-rock prodigies, they have done so with a refreshing vigor that many of their contemporaries have all but abandoned.
ScenePointBlankMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/cinemechanica DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/z3dapzeraser at 8:22 p. m.
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Pupille & Superstatic Revolution - SplitTracklist01 superstatic revolution - sermons part.1.mp3 [4:10]
02 superstatic revolution - pictorial.mp3 [3:26]
03 superstatic revolution - island.mp3 [4:14]
04 superstatic revolution - cubbyhole.mp3 [3:45]
05 superstatic revolution - sermons part.2.mp3 [2:16]
06 pupille - un balon para tontos, es redondo, gira !.mp3 [6:40]
07 pupille - quiero que me cortes la cabeza debajo de un almendro.mp3 [3:57]
08 pupille - tu primer tac.mp3 [6:08]
09 pupille - la muerte, como siempre, improvisando.mp3 [7:35]
InfoSuperstatic Revolution play all things between emogrind and metalriffs; just put 'post' before the name and you got it. A very repetitive, well structured and balanced wall of sound with a great singer. Actually SR reminds me very much of Broken Promises but less metallic than Broken Promises. Super vocals, nice riffing and good songs! They have everything collected. The first four songs are some postgrindcore like it should be and the last song is a kiss goodbye in a desolate landscape. No sleep till Bordeaux-lyn!!
The second part is recorded by the Spanish blokes from Pupille who seem musically connected to their labelmates from Zul. Very outbalanced postrock with tinklin' intro's that explode into great heavy soundscapes! Pupille only uses vocals once and they're clear and good. The difference with Zul is that Pupille adds up a bit more rawness to the dreamy parts. Not original, not too inventive but great postrock! A very nice split that I recommend!
MashnoteMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/SUPERSTATICREVOLUTION http://www.myspace.com/pupille DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/wrcenxeraser at 5:54 p. m.
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Malkovich - A Criminal RecordPunk-Rock-ScreamoTracklist1. 020 [3:10]
2. 017 [2:40]
3. 021 [2:56]
4. 029 [3:00]
5. 024 [3:16]
6. 026 [2:25]
7. 018 [2:18]
8. 025 [3:41]
9. 027 [2:45]
10. 028 [4:12]
11. 031 [2:56]
12. 022 [3:01]
InfoThis band hails from The Netherlands and this somewhat strange disc houses 12 tracks of frantic hardcore with major influences being drawn from a lot of emo/indie styles as well. The result is a little over a half-hour of material that blends shouting/screaming vocals (very scarcely hinting at singing) over melodic chord progressions and lightly dissonant note-based riffs, rocked out rhythms, jangly clean passages, some darker riffing that lends a really different feel to a few songs (see "029"), and even a few jazzy sounding elements on rare occasion. One of the weirdest aspects of the release is that each song is titled with a three-digit number, but the numbers aren't in sequence or anything, so who knows what the deal is what that? Regardless, this is pretty good for what it is. It's a little different from what I tend to be a fan of, but I can definitely cite a few similarities to some solid Kentucky bands of old here and there, and the songwriting is fairly effective. A little bit of the quirkiness comes off as trendy to me, but the overall aesthetic of these songs is definitely not hitting on that type of vibe at all. Among the most straightforward compositions is "021" which has far fewer frills and is a little more memorable; "028" is one of the slower and darker tracks, using more effective shifts to clean guitars, thicker bass parts, and a more intense approach that makes for my favorite track of the disc by far; and "022" is also more dynamic, with some of the softest vocals and some really rocked out chords that are unique in style, blending melodic tendencies with choppy rhythmic structures for a really well executed song. My only complaint is that the disc is a little boring. After about 15 minutes it kind of starts to sound the same, and though the total running time is a very respectable 36 minutes, it ends up feeling a lot longer as a result. The recording is quite nice, though. It's very warm and natural, so despite the fact that some of the guitar tones are slightly flat, I like it. The drums sound excellent, the vocals are perfect, the bass is there adding just a touch of extra density, and it's a clear mix. I think the guitars need a little more of a punch, and the bass could definitely be more beneficial in a louder position, but nothing holds them back per se. The disc comes in a large digipack with a satin finish that has some weird "South Park" looking artwork of two guys in a forest full of fallen trees and dead bodies. Some of the lyrics and the artwork lead me to believe that some larger messages might be involved, but the approach is more of a rock 'n' roll sort of thing as far as the wording: "Help me doctor! My mind is black! Yeah! Don't forget to give me more of those mood swings, yeah! Don't forget to give me more to stay awake at night help me doctor! My mind is black! Please subscribe me something to collapse, yeah!" I'm not a fan of the lyrics in most cases, but whatever. This is a good CD. Not great, but good. I can listen to it and enjoy it, but it's not something I'd listen to regularly at all. Some of the more energetic moments are quite promising, but as a whole the record's kind of one-sided in how it handles its variety of influences. A very strong EP could've been made with the four or five best songs herein, but as a full-length it drops off too often, you know?
AversionOnlineMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/malkovich DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/nqesleeraser at 4:49 p. m.
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Suis La Lune - Quiet, Pull The Strings! + Demo 3"Tracklist01. [Demo 3'' CD #01] The Feeling I Get When You Place Your Eyes On Me [3:08]
02. [Demo 3'' CD #02] Dance Red River, Dance! [3:33]
03. [Demo 3'' CD #03] You Owe Me A Photograph [1:29]
04. [Demo 3'' CD #04] Do You Always Taste Like Static? [10:15]
05. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #01] 01 [2:36]
06. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #02] 02 [3:36]
07. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #03] 03 [1:59]
08. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #04] 04 [1:24]
09. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #05] 05 [3:10]
10. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #06] 06 [1:54]
11. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #07] 07 [2:05]
12. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #08] 08 [0:58]
13. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #09] 09 [2:06]
14. [Quiet, Pull The Strings! #10] 10 [7:39]
InfoThe debut album from this young band from Sweden. Bursting out like a louder and more chaotic Ordination Of Aaron and adding elements from bands like Constatine Sankathi, Suis La Lune sometimes sounds like a lost gem of the mid 90´s. Melodic interludes, jangly guitars, quiet/loud parts, desperate vocals that is ranging between talky rantings and intense screaming... Suis La Lune combines this sound with a more epic and complex song structure (think of early Mogwai or bands like Envy) and manages to create a very special atmosphere. 10 songs of heartfelt and emotive punkrock. 2 of the members also plays in Mixtapes & Cellmates.
ReleaseTheBatsMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/suislalune DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/4ro777eraser at 11:00 a. m.
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Rentokiller - Free From The Tyranny Of Public TasteTracklist01. Pieces Of Worship
02. The Unveiling
03. Kom Närmare || Download
04. A Swarm Of Those
05. Telegraph
06. For Those It May Concern
InfoRentokiller - Cadaveri Eccelente in this blog. DDhttp://rapidshare.com/files/7695690/Rentokiller_-_free_from_the_tyranny_of_public_taste.rar.htmleraser at 10:51 a. m.
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Rentokiller - AntidoteTracklist01. Fork And Knife
02. Culture Générale || Download
03. Good Morning Human
04. Stop Beating Around The Bush
05. The Golden Arch Symphony
06. The Abstract Citizen
InfoRentokiller - Cadaveri Eccelente in this blog. DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/e6ulcmeraser at 10:44 a. m.
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Today´s Overdose - st 7 inchTracklist1. No Other Life To Choose
2. Insomnia
3. Reignition
InfoSon una banda del hardcorepunk de Estocolmo y Gothenburg que nace tras la ruptura de wolfbrigade entre el 2004 / 2005 con 5 de sus intregantes y un colega johan en el bajo ,con un sonido clasico de hardcore norteamericano con una mezla entre Poison Idea y D.OA , pero con toda su energia y furia de su anterior banda.
HardcoreGuerrillaZineMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/todaysoverdose DDhttp://www.mediafire.com/?enzrzjmymjkeraser at 3:51 p. m.
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Snöras - Heart Of WeaknessTracklist01. Exit, Exit [2:42]
02. She Swims Like A Dolphin [1:33]
03. The Weakness [1:58]
04. X Equals H [2:26]
05. I Thougt We Were Martyrs [2:56]
06. Fall If You Want To Fall [1:46]
07. Dear Leonard [4:19]
08. C'est L'Amour [2:32]
09. Joseph, Maria & Romeo [1:46]
10. Enter The Arctic [2:49]
InfoSNORAS (avalanche in norwegian) is an one-man armageddon project who writes polluted and high-pulsation rated contemporary punk rock. Yngve Hilmo founded SNORAS in 2005 and all music( bass,guitar,drums,vocals) is written by his own. With a search for the holy riff, the result is a cohesive mix of driving melodies which gets to your head at once.
Fans of Jesus Lizard, Malady, Husker Du, JR Ewing and the mid 90s Californian music scene will guaranteed fall for HEART OF WEAKNESS." H.O.W" is the first album of what will become a connected trilogy.
SNORAS teamed up with CARL WIKMAN( ( Seven Feet Four, Switchblade, Nine, Kaospilot++) who mixed the record. The popular San Diego based painter Kate Wince made the artwork, and the explosive drummer from JR Ewing(Kenneth Lamond) played his characteristically way of drumming.
Live members consists of people from Angora Static, Kaospilot, Magnus Moriarty++
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/snoras DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/wnycmgeraser at 4:36 p. m.
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Refused - Refused Are Fucking Dead DVDMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/refused DDPart 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Subtitle Packeraser at 12:24 p. m.
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Splitter - Sorglig HistoriaTracklist01. Krossad [1:22]
02. Nersparkad (Igen) [1:04]
03. Haveri [1:13]
04. Status [1:52]
05. Välfärd/likfärd [1:48]
06. Tidsinställd Kollaps [1:09]
07. Situation Stockholm Kapitel 2 [1:56]
08. Stackars Generation [1:27]
09. Landets Blinda Undergang [1:43]
10. Tack Och Adjö [1:20]
11. En Plats För Alla [1:35]
12. När Allt Spärar Ur [1:07]
13. Illustrerad Djävulskap [1:40]
14. SS (Smarta Snubbar) [1:52]
15. Vidriga Skam [0:59]
16. Uppdrag: Bakhäll [1:54]
17. Slutet Spelar Roll [0:41]
18. Den Sista Jakten [2:20]
InfoVamos directo al grano ,excelente Grindcore rabioso y brutal nos presenta esta banda sueca. Dos voces, aguda y grave castigando las cuerdas vocales como diablos una calidad fuera de toda duda, unas guitarras calculadas con precision y velocidad, metralletas por doquier asi que ya saves si te quieres joder los oidos tienes que ir por este disco.
HardcoreGuerrillaMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/splittergrind DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/iq2w7reraser at 3:32 p. m.
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Nine - Listen [Pet.]Tracklist1. Without Questioning
2. Common Ground
3. The Drying Well
4. Silence
5. For Me To Define
6. Unprotected
7. Reflection
8. Everything
9. Fail
InfoNine - Kissed By The Misanthrope DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/ashln0eraser at 12:39 p. m.
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Cobolt - Spirit On ParoleTracklist1. Who Will Bail Me Out?
2. Atlantic Ocean Takes Her Back, The
3. No Plans To Leave
4. Little Boxes All The Same
5. Great American Lies
6. Sad Songs Of Love
7. Man Or Mouse
8. Warm Red Glow, The (From Bedroom Lights)
9. Shadows Growing Monster-Size
10. Diminuendo
InfoCobolt nació en 1994 de las manos del ex-bajista de Refused, Magnus Björklund y del técnico de sonido de Refused, Starmarket y Abhinanda, Andreas Nilsson. Tras dos años de experimentos musicales varios, grabaron una demo que les sirvió para que el sello de reciente creación Ampersand les echara un cable. Se incorporaron al grupo Kristoffer Larsson al bajo y Johannes Berglund a la guitarra y empezaron los conciertos en su Umea natal, así como su célebre actuación en el festival Popstad en el 97. Dos canciones en la recopilación "Love is a dog from Hell" precedieron la edición de "Eleven storey soul departure", que tuvo una excelente acojida, el siguiente "Spirit on parole" (1998) y el EP "A few hours captured" que grabaron en exclusiva para BCore. Ya en 2002 grabaron su tercer largo, y primero para BCore, en exclusiva como el EP. Cobolt son el grupo ideal para los fans de Codeine, Red House Painters, Idaho (con quienes tienen un 7" compartido) y, en general, del slowcore más melancólico. En la actualidad sabemos que siguen haciendo canciones en su Suecia natal, aunque no tenemos noticias de nuevos lanzamientos.
BcoreMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/coboltmusic DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/01jg07eraser at 10:29 a. m.
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DS13 - No One Will Thank You When You Are Dead[Pet]Tracklist1 Get Away
2 Fukk The Cops
3 Mandatory Protest Song
4 Society Scandal
5 Fukked Up System
6 Outstanding Assholes
7 Degenerated Generation
8 All Things Considered...
9 My Revenge
10 Fukk Your Life
11 Eran Profit, Varan Dod
12 Ballad Of Bob Flanagan
13 DS-13
14 Steppin' Stone
15 Make More Noise
16 Fight Back
17 MKP
18 Rikki Fake
19 Fukk Your Gods
20 Fascist Cop
21 54 Words In 17 Seconds
22 War Is Menstrual Envy
23 Upper-Class Vegans Vs. Non-PC Bums
24 Pavlo's Dogs
25 Rippin' Shit
26 DIY Or Die
27 New Aryans
28 Religion = Oppression
29 Snacka Inte Sexism Med Mig Punkjavel
30 Another Religion, Another War
31 Work Buy Consume And Die
32 Does It Make A Difference?
33 Reclaim The Streets
34 Go Home (Positive Scene 2000)
35 Jag Hatar Soldater
36 Return Of Hardcore Jesus
37 Gammkangan
38 No Means No
39 Jag Skiter I Dig
40 Live In USA, 2001
InfoThe complete recorded works of recently disbanded and already missed Swedish hardcore ensemble. A total of Forty tracks, including the first and second 7", the one sided ep, all comp tracks, some unreleased, and a live set. It's an unusual epitaph, perhaps written before the time was due.
InterpunkDDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=MGYFM7FMeraser at 4:10 p. m.
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Borg 64 - They're Using Nanoprobes Pet-ReupladTracklist01-They're Using Nanoprobes
02-'Impossible' Is An Overrated Hype
03-Stockholm Must Die
04-Cyberpunk Is Dead
05-If I Wasn't Vegan I Would Eat Punks Like You For Breakfast
06-Double Backbreaker
07-Deconstructing A Mexican Stand-Off
08-You And Everyone You Know And Everyone They Know Are Going To Die
09-If You Love Me I Might Hate You Less
InfoThere is something in the drinking water up there in the North of Sweden. After a complete hardcore scene in the little town of Umea (Refused, Cult Of Luna), now also Lulea is put on the map. Raised Fist already housed there, and with Breach they had a very great post hardcore band too. It is nice to know that after their split we did not have to search for a worthy successor.
Borg 64 makes an eclectic mix of hardcore, noise, and electronics. You could call them a cross-breed between Refused, Breach, and Alec Empire. Not the least names to be compared with, yet Borg 64 misses a little bit of the songwriting skills to be really placed among them. Aggression there is plenty on this record, a song like 'You And Everyone You Know And Everyone They Know Are Going To Die' leaves out any misunderstanding about this. 'They Are Using Nanoprobes' makes you bounce around the room without allowing much time to catch a breathe. Also because of this the record lasts exactly long enough with its 35 minutes. The electronic drones and bleeps are pushed a little to the background with which I think Borg 64 missed some of the chance to create a completely unique sound. As of yet this is just a smashing progressive hardcore recording with a sharp razor voice, and well, that is also very much good enough for me. Code:Breaker proves with this and the other post hardcore releases this year (Unfold, Lolita Stasi) to be a worthy successor of the Rage Of Achilles label.
LordsOfMetalMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/borg64 DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/nvrrpzeraser at 1:05 p. m.
(1) comments
Nine - Kissed By The MisanthropeTracklist01. Damnation
02. Nice To Get Aqainted
03. Getting It Out
04. This Have To Be My Masterpice
05. Misantropic
06. Who Threw The Lump To Swallow
07. The Lecture
08. Futureshock
09. Making Way
10. 990 II Series
InfoNine are one of Sweden's greatest metal/hardcore exports. In the last three years Nine have released two infectious albums on Sweden's legendary Burning Heart record label "Lights out" (2001) and "Killing angels" (2003). (Both albums were quickly met with rave reviews from listeners and critics alike). Propelling the band to new heights of praise and popularity within the European aggressive music scene. "Killing Angels" is released in the US by the mighty DEATHWISH Records.
After Scandinavian touring with the likes of The Haunted and Nasum, Nine made major noise when they hit the road of Europe with Entombed, Disfear, The Hope Conspiracy, and later Converge. On these tours their immense power was truly undeniable. Nine roared through unsuspecting crowds like a runaway freight train, bringing new life to the unforgettable "Swedish" sound.
Nine was formed in Linköping 1994 and before the BHR years, Nine released two albums "Listen" (1996, Startracks rec) and "Kissed by the misanthrope" (1998, Sidekicks records) and one MCD "To the bottom" (1995, No Looking back records). During the years 1994 - 2001, Nine toured with band such as Snapcase, Frodus, Entombed.
DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=M0C1KZSReraser at 4:54 p. m.
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Rentokiller - Cadaveri EccelenteTracklist01. Pieces of worship [2:18]
02. The Golden archs symphony [1:21]
03. Confessions of a serial self-murderer [3:09]
04. This ghost town includes a fools paradise [1:34]
05. Ambient so ambivalent [1:56]
06. Post-natal [3:13]
07. Quencher [2:55]
08. Irreligion [0:54]
09. Stop beating around the bush [2:25]
10. Soul survivor [1:40]
11. Bloodline [2:13]
12. The City of 9 gates [3:38]
InfoRentokiller came to life in the late summer of 2000 by the hands of Marko Partanen and Jens Leinonen. After the two of them had jammed together for a while, longtime friend Toni Siira joined on drums. First demo: "Nerves of the few" was recorded in dec 2000. Erik Harald joined the band on bass and Rentokiller played their first gig in jan. 2001. However, shortly after, Toni Siira left the band. Marko, Jens and Erik kept on writing as a three-piece. Finally, in the summer of 2001, local drumprodigy, Johan Birgenius (Heldback), agreed to join Rentokiller to do some live performances. This resulted in the second demo: "Free from the tyranny of popular taste", recorded in dec. that same year. Live appearances were coming more frequently and the band evolved into and refined their particular style of hyperactive-superangry-rentocore. It all eventually culminated in Rentokillers first ever gig outside of Sweden in Denmark at the Fredericia Hc-Festival in aug. 2002. This became Johans last gig with Rentokiller as he went on to study jazz drumming in another town. Luckily, at this time, Toni Siira felt ready to re-join the band and so the Rentokiller machinery kept on working. After extensive rehearsing and playing the quartet entered the studio to record their third demo: "Antidote" in dec. 2002. At this point in time, getting rave reviews and building a reputation as a live act to look out for, North Post Records offered Rentokiller a contract for their first ever full length record. Recorded in the fall/winter of 2003, "Cadaveri Eccelente", showed Rentokiller holding on to and defining their trademark varied sound of tension releasing hardcore mixed in with the bands joined influences. Finally released by spring 2005 the album got an overwhelmingly good response from critics and fans alike. As an added bonus, the album was nominated for the best rock/metal album award by P3 Guld in Sweden. Now, Rentokiller are preparing the release of the follow-up EP "Vigil" on Swedish label Monument records. Out in may 2006. More shows and tours are coming and there are no plans to slow anything down. So, the killer moves on..
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/rentokiller DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=LT7C60ZOeraser at 10:36 a. m.
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Icos - Walk with metracklist1. Vocal test
2. Daydreaming
3. Message on a black wall
4. Daed end
5. Each day
6. A new morning
7. Fly away
8. Walk with me
9. Hands to sore
InfoIcos hail from Sweden where the collective was founded in 2001. Icos brings you powerful, devestating and intense music filled with tuned-down guitars, thundering drums and over the top vocals that molds together with more quiet, ambient parts. Both music and lyrics are delivered with talent, ambitiousness and a never-failing integrity. Expect inspiration and influences that range from Neurosis to A Silver Mountzion, Catharsis to His Hero Is Gone and Kyuss to Isis.
CrimesAgainstHumanityRecordsMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/icosonline DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=7L41Q990eraser at 12:06 p. m.
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Him Kerosene - Start StopTracklist01.hopey [2:34]
02Ladybugs [4:21]
03.untied.mp3 [3:00]
04.before you croke.mp3 [3:05]
05.for how long can you hold your breath.mp3 [4:35]
06.neutrino.mp3 [3:16]
07.whatever gets you by.mp3 [4:32]
08.mp3 [2:58]
09.painted face.mp3 [2:45]
10.dig here.mp3 [4:34]
11.ventilate.mp3 [2:22]
12.dominator.mp3 [3:33]
InfoMezcla entre power pop con ramalazos punk y terminologia musical semioscura, mas bien gris. Ritmos pegadizos, mucha fuerza guitarrera y velocidad constante la que desarrolla esta joven banda sueca.
DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=A1KSUPMEeraser at 6:36 p. m.
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Juno - This is the way it goes and goes and goesTracklist1. Great Salt Lake, The
2. Into The Lavender Crevices Of Evening The Otters Have Pushed
3. Rodeo Programmers
4. Young Influentials, The
5. All Your Friends Are Comedians
6. Leave A Clean Camp And A Dead Fire
7. January Arms
8. Venus On 9th Street
9. Listening Ear, A
10. Sea Looked Like Lead, The
InfoJuno is a group from Seattle that features singer Arlie Carstens and three guitars. The singles Venus On Ninth (Subpop, 1997) and Magnified And Reduced By Inches (Jade Tree, 1997) introduced a creative disciple of Fugazi's post-hardcore, but the album This is the Way It Goes And Goes And Goes (Desoto, 1999) added a new dimension to their persona, by incorporating strong elements of post-rock and shoegazing. Even the hardcore songs (Rodeo Programmers, All Your Friends Are Comedians) are angular and open-ended, in the best Unwound tradition. The more ambitious Leave A Clean Camp And A Dead Fire and January Arms border on progressive-rock, and A Listening Ear and The Sea Looked Like Lead are hymns of spasmodic emotions trapped in trancey, lush guitar arrangements.
DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/kyqxszeraser at 11:17 a. m.
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Final Exit - DiscographyInfoThe members of Final Exit and Final Exit as a band where known for their uncompromising lifestyle (straight edge) and their hard, fast music. They where around since 87, from the beginning of the Umeå Hardcore scene.
They released Teg, their first album in 94. 15 tracks of raw, brutal, hard, fast straight in your face hardcore classics. Their second and last album, entitled Umeå came in early 97 and it was backed up by the bands Final tour. The band had allready realized that there was no place in todays hardcore scene for a band like Final Exit. They where TOO real and didn´t want to take part of todays fake scene...
DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=37O94KLKeraser at 10:41 a. m.
(2) comments
Shield -Vampire SongsTracklist1. Anima Annihilation
2. Lost Love
3. Strangesong, A
4. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
5. 24 Hours Of Sunshine
6. Die Dinner Die
7. Pipe Of Pride
8. Vampiresong, The
9. Draken Puff Och Jag
10. Neverending Story
11. Justice
InfoSeguidores claros de aquello que dio en llamarse Thrash Metal, alla por los 80 e influenciados por Black Sabbath y Entombed, todo ello mezclado con el sonido hc-punk caracteristico de los grupos suecos.
DDhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/m432u4eraser at 10:18 a. m.
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Lolita Stasi - Ruhr [Pet]Tracklist1. Katharsis
2. Wasteland
3. Two
4. Waiting In Line For The Grand Massacre
5. Open Skies
6. Something Inside
7. Made Of Nothing
8. Ruhr
10. The Brutal Death Of Fletch A.
InfoLolita Stasi were put together in september 2000 by the five. It was five different minds with, I guess, five different opinions on how the band should work and what kind of music it would produce.Well, Lolita Stasi and evolution walk hand in hand, they are combined (some would call it love). The one thing that's always been there and always will is punk. The passion of punk is what the five have in common, and that is Lolita Stasi.
Tori Amos once sang: "Met them in a hotel, met them in a hotel beneath the ground. Tell me that he's missing, tell me this is one for lolipop gestapo."Lolipop Gestapo - Lolita Gestapo - Lolita Stasi.Do we believe in a world built on a massive foundation of love? No! The world as it is today is built on greed, decaying corpses, violence, sick traditions made up by fake gods (read: dictators and other pointless leaders) and holding back information just for the fun of oppression.
"Passionate, driving and atmospherically dark, Lolita Stasi is the fresh face of modern Swedish hardcore. Recording their debut album in early 2005 to hit in the Summer, the collective are taking their forward-thinking sound and vision to expansive new levels."
BandwagonMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/lolitastasi DDhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=X13KNA8Zeraser at 11:01 a. m.
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