Comity - as everything is a tragedy
Infoomity has been making noise ever since 1996, with a line up that evolved through out the years, along with their music. After a demo recorded in 1998, on which the metal hard core influences blends in with a powerful NYHC style, the band finally settles with a stable line in the year 2001 with a split album « The catharsis syntax project » with the Parisian band XII, which becomes the first true recording made of the band ever since they formed. The chaotic structures and the oppressive atmosphere rooted in this album, were to be the basis of the bands music and artistic approach to what was to be there own vision of music. This unusual approach arouses about every bit of curiosity from the press and public that encounters the band and its music. The complex and technical structures collide with an atmospheric and oppressive feeling of frustration. This is how Comity keeps pushing the limits, to an extent where its music becomes an unorthodox but innovative downward spiral to self inflicting emotional chaos. By this time, the band sets up to record some new material for an upcoming release. This shall be a 5 acts concept album: « The deus ex-machina as a forgotten genius ». Recorded in august 2002, the album is released in march 2003, and gets a warm welcome from the French and international press. The band will be touring for over 2 years becoming one of the most promising act in the scene. After a re-release of the bands album on US label united edge records including 2 previously unreleased tracks, they hit the studio to for their second opus ...As everything is a tragedy. and reveal a more mature and abstract brutal music.this new material will be released on july 24th 2k6 on candlelight records (EMPEROR, CROWBAR, ZYKLON, BLUT AUS NORD, STARCKWEATHER, OVERMARS, SHE SAID DESTROY...). COMITY played over 100 gigs with bands like THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, CONVERGE, CAVE IN, TODAY IS THE DAY, TERROR, DAUGHTERS, KEELHAUL, TEXTURES, JR EWING, LACK, BORN FROM PAIN, GOJIRA, DAGOBA, NOSTROMO, BLOCKHEADS, BLACK BOMB A, AMANDA WOODWARD, AT FURY FEST 2K4, etc...
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/comity DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/31441073/comity_-_as_everything_is_a_tragedy__2006_.rar.htmleraser at 4:52 p. m.
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Comity - The deus ex-machina as a forgotten genius
Tracklist1-About fracture of the last solid element (the deus ex-machina on the road again) (11:49)
2-A track to forget what has been forgotten (introduce yourself to me/us please call 555.6185214) (12:30)
3-Her own king theory (what the fuck is miscommunication ?) (9:25)
4-Alleluia versus amen (as eros kills) (9:15)
5-A farewell to a crimson king in a crimson way... (hats off mister Salinger) (11:51)
InfoHace bastate que no escuchaba algo de este tipo, luego de haber escuchado por años a Neurosis, Isis o Today is the Day esto renueva totalmente su trabajo. Comity es una banda Francesa que ha dado muchísimo de que hablar en Europa y Estados Unidos, haciendo tours junto a bandas como Today is the Day, Chimaera y Dillinger Escape plan. Lo que puedo percibir de este album es que es completísimo, denso, oscuro, potente, intenso y por sobretodo experimental en relación a nuevas estructuras y matices. Cada canción tiene algo diferente y podemos encontrar variados estilos que van desde grindcore, rock and roll, hardcore, noise y un claro sonido denso e intenso comparable con Isis, Neurosis, Carahter o incluso Converge, sobretodo en el tema "Her own King Theory" en donde el comienzo me recuerda a varios temas del disco Jane Doe de Converge.
Cada canción es realmente un viaje, en donde es mejor sentarse a escuchar detenidamente cada estructura, analizarla, sentirla y sacar algo de ello. Al principio cuesta digerir todo y podría parecer un disco demasiado denso para alguien que no está acostumbrado ya que el noise de las guitarras y las baterías son como golpes constantes en los oídos. Este disco es totalmente variante en el sentido más puro de las palabras, puedes encontrarte con partes extremadamente densas y oscuras y luego sin darte cuenta estar envuelto en sonidos más rockeros o guitarras limpias, tensas y disonantes. No me parece algo extremadamente nuevo y diferente al resto de bandas que podríamos encontrar que toquen algo similar, pero lo que si tiene es que puede sonar distinta a todas ellas e implantar un sello personal.
"The Deux ex-machina as a Forgotten Genius" no es precisamente un album que podría recomendar para ser escuchado por cualquiera, pero si lo recomiendo para todos los amantes de bandas como Isis, Today is the Day y Neurosis que sin duda no son bandas que cualquiera pueda digerir. Es bueno hacer el ejercicio de escuchar un disco una y otra vez y encontrar nuevas estructuras cada vez, eso es lo que hace que un disco valga realmente la pena y se convierta en un objeto de colección. Estos músicos saben lo que hacer y lo hacen bien.
La voz es realmente una brutalidad, muchas veces me pareció escuchar a Tommy Rogers, vocal de Between the Buried and me pero eso creo que es una simple coincidencia. El arte es simple, oscuro, cargado de texturas de tonos azulados y negros. Muy ad hok al sonido de la banda. Un certero lanzamiento por parte de United Edge Records.
Sudamerica HardcoreMySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/comity DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/31283508/Comity_-_The_Deus_Ex-Machina_As_A_Forgotten_Genius.rar.htmleraser at 1:52 p. m.
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Capricorns - Ruder Forms Survive
Tracklist1. 3:47 1977: Blood For Papa
2. 7:59 1969: A Predator Among Us
3. 5:29 : The First Broken Promise
4. 3:55 1440: Exit Wargasmatron
5. 12:39 1066: Born On The Bayeux
6. 4:46 1946: The Last Renaissance Man
7. 9:22 793AD: The Harrying Of The Heathen
InfoThe music world is full of bands who wear their influences proudly on their sleeves. This is usually a bad thing (sometimes even touching on being a very-bad-thing-indeed.) Those who manage to step beyond the poses and patterns of their heroes are in a small minority. They manage to pay homage whilst simultaneous developing and evolving in their own direction. For every Interpol, there are a thousand bad Joy Divisions; for every Music, there are a thousand bad Stone Roses and for every Nirvana, there are hundreds of thousands of really lame Pixies rip-offs.
Modern ‘stoner’ rock bands (the term applied with full acknowledgement of how terrible and cringe-worthy it is) are less directly influenced by Black Sabbath than by the second generation of bands spawned from the loins of Mssrs Ward, Iommi, Butler and Osbourne. They owe their debt more to the monstrous rumble of Sleep and Kyuss. In most cases this debt consists of every royalty they might ever have received. And then you uncover Capricorns pitched almost directly in between the breathtaking instrumental desert wake of Kyuss and the suffocating miasma of Sleep. Raw, inventively heavy and scary-as-fuck.
Album opener ‘1977: Blood for Papa’ is a case in point: starting with some decidedly desperate gasps of breath before bursting out of the forest with a mouthful of bloody fur. The riffs are so tight and the tension so real that you feel like running yourself. ‘1969: A Predator among Us’ slows the pace with a disquieting bassline played in waltz time. ‘1066: Born on the Bayeux’ alternatives between chilling quiet and chunky slabs of loud without ever lapsing into cliche or sounding generic, before finally delivering a climax which brings to mind Iron Maiden covering Lynryd Skynryd. ‘793AD: Harrying of The Heathen’ opens with an almost tear-jerkingly lonely guitar, even though you can sense from the first moment that very bad things are waiting around the next bend. Every note is played to some purpose; every riff builds towards something else; every chord change seemingly designed not only to compliment the others, but to make the piece as a whole sound less like a collection of songs but as movements within a sprawling Symphony of the Damned.
All of this, and yet infinitely more accessible. Remember, if you will, the first time you heard Queens of The Stone Age’s Songs For The Deaf and realised that what Dave Grohl had helped QOTSA do was to rediscover The Rock (cue embarrassing devil-horn hand gesture)? Ruder Forms Survive sounds like an unreleased instrumental demo from Lullabies to Paralyze but only if Dave and Nick had stayed around long enough to have a hand in it. This is an album created on the wrong side of The Magic Faraway Tree, and you get the impression that if Shirley Manson tried to get close to this one, she’d be eaten. Probably (hopefully?) alive.
http://www.myspace.com/capricornsoflondon DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/31173572/capricorns___ruder_forms_survive__2006.rar.htmleraser at 12:59 p. m.
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Giant - Song
Tracklist1. 6:44 Stories
2. 9:18 Calvin
3. 12:36 The Red Opus
4. 8:42 Life For The Vultures
5. 14:48 The Shallow
Info"Song," the debut EP from anarcho-doom metal band, Giant, marks the second release from Southern Empire Records. 5 lengthy songs of political, yet introspective, meditation, this CD will appeal to fans of Pelican, Isis, Mono, as well as punk/hardcore kids who still believe that heavy music can be radical and meaningful. Packaged along the same lines as the environmentally-friendly, unique design of Prayer for Cleansing's The Tragedy, this CD will appeal to the musical, aesthetic, and political sensibilities of anyone who picks it up.
http://www.myspace.com/giantnc DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/30499011/Giant_-_Song.rar.htmleraser at 4:26 p. m.
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Day of the dead - Old habits die harder
Tracklist1 Old Habits Die Harder
2 One Step Forward... Two Steps Back
3 Just Names And Numbers
4 Home Wrecking Machine
5 Trading Individuality For Our Own Death
6 Shiny Badges Rust The Same
7 Like It Or Not... This Is Our Game
8 The Crown We Wear Tonight
InfoPortugal's Day Of The Dead (members of Time X, Mad Rats, Seize the day) deliver eight straight edge hardcore anthems that fall somewhere between Bane, Give up the Ghost, or Carry on.
http://www.myspace.com/dotd DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/30476310/Day_of_the_Dead_-_Old_Habits_Die_Harder.rar.htmleraser at 11:05 a. m.
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Engineer - Reproach
Tracklist1. Nomad
2. In The Grit
3. Small Dose
4. Heel Toe
5. Lift
6. Shiner
7. Heavy Drag
8. Caretaker
9. Long War, The
InfoHot off the heels of their split with labelmates Achilles, Engineer serves up Reproach. This album was born from the varying manners of hardship and adversity that forced the band to hole up and dig in. The resulting months of being locked up together was spent hammering this record into submission through countless hours of writing, honing, practicing… All the frustration and angst of recording was infused into the album.
Reproach starts off sounding like a machine. The music is precise, loud, and caustic. The vocals are extremely harsh sounding, and the vocalist definitely has a bellowing quality to his voice. Listening to the album, you get the feel and idea that this is an album where much of it was written in a condensed, specific period of time. The emotional timbre of the songs is very similar throughout the entire album. This record is very focused; the instruments sound full and powerful.
There are several songs that stand out on this release. "The Long War" with its "calm before the storm" quality is one example. It is actually one of the spots during the duration of the album that you can take a breather. Much of the album has a bludgeon the listener to death aesthetic, which makes it ironic that this is the last song on the record. "In the Grit" has a great, angular and noisy feel to the song. Some parts of it could be likened to what Breather Resist does, but Engineer do it in a way that makes it uniquely their own. The best song on the album is the first one, "Nomad." This one has some great guitar parts that really set the song apart and the vocal choir in the song is used to an excellent effect. Overall this is a good record; it can be a little slow at times, but that might be the point.
As a small aside, Chris Owens of Lords produced this album; his production is really good and developing quite a demand, especially from Hex bands as Achilles also recorded with him.
Engineer has created a pretty good record. Reproach is a nice first album that shows a great deal of potential. It will be interesting to hear where the band is going next.
ScenePointBlackhttp://www.purevolume.com/engineer DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/30309755/Engineer_-_reproach.rar.htmleraser at 12:35 p. m.
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Los olvidados - Listen to this!!!
Tracklist1 Listen To You
2 Something New
3 So Dull
4 Bang Bang You're Dead
5 Assassin Of Youth
6 Don't Cry
7 Goin' Down
8 Pay Salvation
9 Personal Genocide
10 Home Is Where The Heart Is
11 Their Eyes
12 Death Trap
13 Give Me Liberty Or Gimme A Gun
InfoSeminal Skate-Punk band from San Jose, CA (1980-1983) heavily influenced by the first wave of punk rock (Stooges, NY Dolls, Dead Boys, Radio Birdman, Saints, etc.,) Los Olvidados were the Northern California equivalent of T.S.O.L., Agent Orange, The Adolescents, and others from Orange County who rose to popularity during the formative years of West Coast punk. Although featured on the MRR comp All Quiet On The Western Front and the early Thrasher magazine Skate-Rock Comps (#1 & #2), the band self-destructed before a full-length album would see the light of day--that is, until it was included in A.T.'s Skate-Punk Reissue Series. Even at 20 years old, this stuff still sounds so vital and youthful that you'll have no choice but to dust off your deck, drain the pool, and skate!
InterpunkElinkLos olvidados - listen to this!!! - by eraser-head.rareraser at 11:29 a. m.
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DS13 - No One Will Thank You When You Are Dead
Tracklist1 Get Away
2 Fukk The Cops
3 Mandatory Protest Song
4 Society Scandal
5 Fukked Up System
6 Outstanding Assholes
7 Degenerated Generation
8 All Things Considered...
9 My Revenge
10 Fukk Your Life
11 Eran Profit, Varan Dod
12 Ballad Of Bob Flanagan
13 DS-13
14 Steppin' Stone
15 Make More Noise
16 Fight Back
17 MKP
18 Rikki Fake
19 Fukk Your Gods
20 Fascist Cop
21 54 Words In 17 Seconds
22 War Is Menstrual Envy
23 Upper-Class Vegans Vs. Non-PC Bums
24 Pavlo's Dogs
25 Rippin' Shit
26 DIY Or Die
27 New Aryans
28 Religion = Oppression
29 Snacka Inte Sexism Med Mig Punkjavel
30 Another Religion, Another War
31 Work Buy Consume And Die
32 Does It Make A Difference?
33 Reclaim The Streets
34 Go Home (Positive Scene 2000)
35 Jag Hatar Soldater
36 Return Of Hardcore Jesus
37 Gammkangan
38 No Means No
39 Jag Skiter I Dig
40 Live In USA, 2001
InfoThe complete recorded works of recently disbanded and already missed Swedish hardcore ensemble. A total of Forty tracks, including the first and second 7", the one sided ep, all comp tracks, some unreleased, and a live set. It's an unusual epitaph, perhaps written before the time was due.
InterpunkElinkD.S.-13 - No One Will Thank You When You Are Dead... - by eraser-head-192kbs.rareraser at 11:15 a. m.
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Shield - Vampiresongs
Tracklist1 Anima Annihilation
2 Lost Love
3 A Strange Song
4 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
5 24 Hours Of Sunshine
6 Die Dinner Die
7 Pipe Of Pride
8 The Vampire Song
9 Draken Puff Och Jag
10 Neverending Story
11 Justice
InfoThe first fullength album by this young band. The record was done in 5 hectic days but the kids seem to like it. They wherer without any doubt one of the more interessting and promising bands. Sad is the fact that they broke up just some months after the release of this album. Recorded, mixed and mastered at Tonteknik during the summer of 1995.
DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29955644/Shield.rar.htmleraser at 10:42 a. m.
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Dystopia - The Aftermath...
Tracklist1. 5:49 Population Birth Control
2. 2:27 Father's Gun
3. 5:21 Self Defeating Prophecy
4. 6:05 Sleep
5. 3:10 Socialized Death Sentence
6. 2:13 Backstabber
7. 2:39 They Live
8. 2:51 Anger Brought By Disease
9. 3:44 Jarhead Fertilizer
10. 1:51 Taste Your Own Medicine
11. 3:13 Instrumental
12. 30:37 Diary Of A Battered Child
InfoUna de las mejores bandas que han dado los 90s... la mezcla perfecta de Metal, Grind, Crust y Sludge con unas letras buenísimas. Edición europea. Segunda parte de su discografía. Incluye: "Backstabber" EP + "The Aftermath" 12" + split EP con Suffering Luna + split LP con Skaven
ThroneRecordshttp://www.myspace.com/dystopia DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29830165/DYSTOPIA_-_The_Aftermath.rar.htmleraser at 11:50 a. m.
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Spickle - The Right to Remain Silent
Spastic Orion
It's a Nice Day to Die
Valve Cover
Bread Puddin
2-3= -Fun
Spore Addict
InfoHere's some excellent instrumental work from this New Orleans group that has quite a range of styles covered. Of courses there's some math metal in there, but the songs (which are generally brief) travel from smooth clean breaks to lots of distortion and rhythmic picking patterns or technical riffing, as well as some great melodic chord progressions and layering. At times the clean passages have an off kilter indie rock vibe happening, and "It's a Nice Day to Die" even kicks out the southern country flavor with some slick acoustic guitars playing a jangly mix of arpeggios and chord progressions over some distant feedback. Very fucking cool. There's a bit of jazziness to "Psych", and "2 - 3 = -Fun" is chock full of blazing rock solos and dual guitar harmonies. I love the drumming. The performance is really tight with some excellent fills and cymbal work, but it's not too flashy: He knows when to go nuts and when to take it easy and be the backbone. The songwriting is excellent as well, because there's often an emotional quality to the music that's all too often absent from instrumental acts' output, and that makes this stuff so much better than most of what I've heard from similar bands. "C'mon" runs twice as long as the other tracks, hitting the seven-minute mark, but never gets boring, despite ample repetition… there's just something about the flow. I like the recording. I might prefer to hear a little bit more density/volume to the bass, but that's it. The drums are heavy and natural, the guitars have great texture and clarity, and the mix is fine for the most part. I don't have any real complaints whatsoever. I can't say I'm big on the layout though, it's just really inconsistent across the board and doesn't do this incredible musicianship justice. There's no text on the front cover, just a toned photo (with a weird color scheme) of an Asian girl imprisoned and looking out a fenced window or something, then on the inner spread is a black and white band photo, and the back cover is an image of a group of people that I guess might be awaiting execution or something. The text on the traycard is crisp and legible, but the minimal text that appears on the back of the booklet is horribly pixilated and looks like crap. The images range from fairly clear (the band photo) to slightly pixilated and a bit rough (everything else), and there's no cohesion to the typefaces or colors used throughout. This is one of those CD's that proves you can't judge a book by its cover. I put off listening to this for weeks because the layout was so awful and bland, but musically these guys are fucking great, and I really enjoy this. Now I feel like a jackass for not having given this a spin sooner.
AversionOnlinehttp://www.myspace.com/spickle DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29577297/spickle_-_the_right_to_remain_silent__vbr.rar.htmleraser at 10:25 a. m.
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The gay corporation - Dreams In Alcohol, Devil In My Bed
Tracklist01. San Francisco's Fears
02. Son Of The Godness Lord
03. Liar
04. Butcher's Boyfriend
05. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
InfoThe Gay Corporation est un groupe de Bethune qui, il semblerait se soit formé en 2003. Je ne sais pas trop ce qui se cache derrière The Gay Corporation car c'est également le nom du label qui s'est chargé de sortir les productions de General Lee, mais apparement on peut aussi retrouver dans le groupe des membres de General Lee, Al'x et Tourette.
Musicalement le groupe se dit jouer du Rock 'n Roll Blues Core. Ok, ca vous parle pas? eh bien à moi non plus. Bon il semblerait quand même que ce projet soit un projet à prendre au second degré. Mais musicalement c'est quand même pas si mal fait que ca. C'est assez bargeot, mais avec un côté rock 'n roll, mais je n'ai pas vu le côté blues dans la musique... Sérieusement, en gros ca m'a fait pensé à un mix entre Daughters/ The Great Redneck Hope (pour le côté bargeoi) et Refused/Deadguy (pour le côté rock/destructuré). Ca fait quand même des belles références. Le son de guitare est très crado/baveu, ce qui enleve un peu de clareté au tout, mais qui donne également de l'autre côté un certain charme aux titres et qui accentue l'univers un peu bargeot.
Bref on peut retrouver sur cette demo 5 titres pour 13 minutes. Si vous aimez les trucs bargeots, The Gay Corporation devrait vous convenir
The Hardcore Sourcehttp://www.myspace.com/thegaycorporation DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29452554/the_gay_corporation_-_dreams_in_alcohol__devil_in_my_bed.rar.htmleraser at 10:15 a. m.
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Final exit - Discography

InfoThe members of Final Exit and Final Exit as a band where known for their uncompromising lifestyle (straight edge) and their hard, fast music. They where around since 87, from the beginning of the Umeå Hardcore scene.
They released Teg [sound samples], their first album in 94. 15 tracks of raw, brutal, hard, fast straight in your face hardcore classics. Their second and last album, entitled Umeå [sound samples] came in early 97 and it was backed up by the bands Final tour. The band had allready realized that there was no place in todays hardcore scene for a band like Final Exit. They where TOO real and didn´t want to take part of todays fake scene...
DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29391361/Final_exit.rar.htmleraser at 8:02 p. m.
(2) comments
Song Of Zarathustra - Birth Of Tragedy CD
Tracklist1. Intro
2. Mess Of Zero
3. With Hands That Bleed
4. Great Longing, The
5. Evening Beat, The
6. Deep Yellow And The Burning Red
7. Birth Of Tragedy, The
8. Science, Science
9. Cry Of Distress
10. Stillness Hour, The
11. Machinist Union
12. Outro
InfoThere are those certain CDs you love off the bat. You put it in the CD player in your car, and it stays there for months on end. After a while, you start thinking maybe you’re done with it for a bit, but you keep it there just to be sure. Then there’s the CDs you buy and try to return the exact same day, just hoping you’ll get your precious $10 back. So where does Song Of Zarathustra’s The Birth Of Tragedy lie? Pretty much smack dab in the middle.
To describe their sound, if possible, it should first be known that on recordings they've used a drum machine. They do have a live drummer, who's fully capable of everything performed on this record, but they've chosen to go the drum machine route for this, and their other full length, A View From High Tides. In any event, SOZ combines "the speedy math rock complexity of Drive Like Jehu, with the art-punk hysteria of Antioch Arrow, and the artillery power of Nuerosis." This description is according to Epitonic.com, and I'd say it's fitting to a certain extent. The description is sort of misleading though, because this sounds more like straightforward hardcore than it does a fusion of those three. The result works in certain instances, others not as much.
After the minute or so intro, the album immediately kicks into "Mess Of Zero." The song starts off in an eerie mood, with the sounds of an organ resonating before the vocals actually kick in. The organ is done on a keyboard, as the lead singer handles the band's keyboard duties as well. Then the vocals and guitar kick in. I've actually never noticed this until listening to the song at this very moment, but the vocals are quite intense while still giving off sort of a "bouncy" feel. The shredding and stopping on a dime of the guitars, accompanied by the frenzied screaming just makes you want to bob your head. You almost get sort of a Blood Brothers-type feel for the song - almost. But that'll be the end of that comparison, because at no other point in this album does that comparison sound true. The keyboards may lead some people to draw that line, but none of the rest of the music matches. None of the songs here really stand out all that much, but the intensity of the music keeps things interesting. And clocking in at only 22 minutes or so, it doesn't ever really have the time to wear out its welcome. The 12 songs all hover at about the two minute mark or less, just enough for the songs to really hit you. There is an instrumental song on here to stir things up a bit, a keyboard driven-song with a pretty solid guitar-accented crescendo to finish things up.
Lyrically, Song Of Zarathustra's true intent comes out. They're all Nihlist, and pretty big on the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, those being that traditional philosophy and religion are erroneous, and thus harmful to human life. "Anxious for what the future forsees? / All temptations, release... / Believe and receive." It's pretty obvious that their ideals are spread right across the lyrics page. I'm sure some will complain they can't get into the music because of the clash of ideologies they share with the band, but the vocals are so incoherent that even looking at the lyrics sheet it's tough to understand. What you cannot hear cannot affect you.
When all is said and done, these guys lay some really solid music on the table here. It's fast, furious, and there's no Vin Diesel. If that's not appealing to a fan of hardcore, I don't know what is.
PunkNewsDDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29220603/birth_of_tragedy.rar.htmleraser at 11:02 a. m.
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Tracklist1) Dark eyes of my past
2) Naive in a bliss
3) Wielding Strength
4) Complete? / Lucid Vision
5) One Leaf Untouched
6) Inquistion
7) Support in Numbers
InfoBrainoil has been at it for a close to 4 years now, churning out their own brand of heavy as fuck, riff fanatical sludge. Brainoil is composed of three mad thrashers from the Bay Area.... Greg from LANA DAGALAS, IRA from GRIMPLE (and their amazing new metal band WATCH THEM DIE), and NATE who played in DESTROY and has a second cousin who plays in NIGEL PEPPER COCK. Previous releases include a split CD with defunct local sludge brains, CRUEVO and a split 7" with Reno's almighty IRON LUNG. Cover artwork by Oakland artist JUDD HAWK. The cd contains videos files of a live show at Gilman and the infamous "Showdown" Video made from their demo version of "I won't Die" by Scott Andrade.
LifeIsAbusehttp://www.myspace.com/brainxoil DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/29096861/Brainoil-self_titled.rar.htmleraser at 11:22 a. m.
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End Of The Century Party - Discography
Tracklist1 Isn't It Perfectly Fucking Delightful To Be So Goddamn Certain
2 Crash Course In Fatherhood
3 Ask My Exorcist Or My School Psychiatrist
4 Become A Part, Come Apart
5 The Only Reason You're a Vampire Is Because Werewolves And Frankenstein...
6 Swear The Barrel
7 Devolution Defined
8 With Breakfast In The Morning
9 People Ain't No Damn Good And Shit
10 Everything Stops
11 102
12 Always On The Outskirts, Enthusiastically Missing The Point
13 Circles Gather
14 With No Regard
15 They Buolt This City Out Of Radish Dust
16 Knocked Into Place
17 Clean Shot
18 Filed
19 I'm Your Pusher
20 So Long
21 Hope Me Blind
22 Childhood Hopes (Of Self Defense)
23 Older Than Dead
24 Convenience Store Regular
25 Let Me Go
26 Only Attempt
27 Preserving Shit
28 Spermy
29 Centralized Knowledge
30 Numb
31 So Long (Demo)
32 Only Attempt (Demo)
33 Centralized Knowledge (Demo)
InfoThe 33 song discography from this Florida band. This DIY band existed from 1993 to 1999, and combined a hardcore / screamo sound with the lyrics of political punk. Fast, raw thrashy hardcore with pleading / angsty screaming / speaking vocals.
InterpunkDDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/28978028/End_of_the_century_party_-_discography_1993-1999.rar.htmleraser at 9:48 a. m.
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Hiretsukan - End states
TracklistCircling Boy
Manual Function
Song for Wilhelmina Vautrin
Her Article
Click and Repeat
Hauling Sharp
9 Year Barrier
Placement Services
Tight Not Touching
InfoNew York’s Hiretsukan can claim the dubious distinction of being the only G7 band we ever actually begged to get back together after they temporarily called it quits in 2002 shortly after their acclaimed first release “Invasive/ Exotic”.
The end result of our embarassing grovelling is “End States”, a 10 song barrel of unexploded monkeys that expands on the ripping, lurching, dark, distinctive brand of hardcore that put them on our Christmas list in the first place.
Have you ever played Doom 3? If you have, you may notice that Michelle’s throat-shredding, over-the-top vocals bear an eerie resemblance to those gigantic demons that throw fireballs and scare the fuck out of you everytime you enter a new room even though you fucking know they’re coming. Fuck THAT.
Recorded by legendary New York hardcore producer Don Fury (Agnostic Front, Born Against, Citizen’s Arrest, GG Allin, Burn)!
g7welcomingcommitteehttp://www.myspace.com/hiretsukan DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/28863652/hiretsukan_-_end_states.rar.htmleraser at 11:24 a. m.
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Unhinged - Win our freedom in fire
Tracklist1. 4:16 Out
2. 2:48 Reality
3. 2:23 Misere
4. 3:26 2-3 Poulets
5. 1:59 L'An 01
6. 3:03 Caught in the web
7. 3:30 So it goes
8. 2:41 Baudouin the 1st
9. 4:54 Violence
10. 1:46 Not even death
11. 1:57 Won't be my shelter
12. 2:42 Vicious circle
13. 4:52 Round the corner
14. 3:13 Thanx for the dance
15. 4:51 We will laugh best
16. 3:25 Sighgt of a corpse
17. 3:39 Straight blow
InfoThe first album and the first demo (1993?!!) of this poliical hc-punk gang from Liege. They have decided to disband after seven years and MANY gigs . This compact contains the early years, first line up mayhem.
DDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/28737245/UNHINGED-Win_our_freedom_in_fire-by_eraser-head-192kbs.rar.htmleraser at 1:04 p. m.
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Ultralyd - Chromosome Gun
Tracklist1. Beautor
2. Pink Mood
3. Zooblast
4. Ejaculatorium
5. Brown Degree
6. Glottality
7. Last Resort
InfoNow this is the perfect antidote to that Hold Steady disc...a series of free jazz/skronk jams from a band featuring saxophonist/clarinet player Frode Gjerstad and Noxagt bassist Kjetil Braadsdal. The quartet is rounded out by Anders Hanna on guitar and Morten J. Olsen on drums. From what I can gather, the seven tracks on the disc were cot over one day last year. All the players tear loose, with Gjersrad and Brandsdal at the forefront. There's something immensely pleasing about the sound of a sqeaking squalling saxophone played over the rumbling of a downtuned distorted bass
digitalisindustriesDDhttp://rapidshare.de/files/28617066/ultralyd_-_chromosome_gun__2005_.rar.htmleraser at 4:34 p. m.
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