Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower - Love in the Fascist BrothelTracklist1. Reich Stag Rock
2. Exile On Vain Street
3. Love In The Sex Prison
4. Vulture Kontrol
5. Rattus &oum;ber Alles
6. Drake The Fake
7. Angry, Young and Rich
8. Lipstick SS
9. Lawnmower Love
10. SLC Hunks
InfoThe Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower has built a reputation for leaving people cheated or impregnated with obsession. And now TPTBUTET are going to turn the world on it's ears. The new full length LP, Love In The Fascist Brothel, has that magical quality that drives people on to the stage and into the sweaty dance pit every night. Seizing on that quality, TPTBUTET has pasted together an all-smart version of punk using spit, attitude, and sexuality.
MySpacehttp://www.myspace.com/theplottoblowuptheeiffeltower DDDOWNLOADeraser at 1:09 p. m.